InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,010 amazing developers
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When looking at the "Current License Usage Summary" web page, there is a line for both local and distributed "Maximum Connections". I have scrutinized every class that seems reasonable to contain this information but have found nothing that matches the values on the web page. I do not believe these are related to license specifically though I did review all of the potential attributes of the license related classes to no avail.

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Hi Developers,

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Adaptive Analytics in Action: Financial Services Use Case
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I have wrote an article about how to install the intersystems cache driver in a Docker container, and then deploy it using Azure Functions:

How to run a (Python) Azure Function as a Docker container & Deploy it using Bicep | Victor Sanner

This might be useful to others, especially the dockerfile which I have copied below. This builds a debian docker container and installs the Intersystems Cache driver, which python can then use :)

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· Apr 18, 2022
View Globals from Terminal

Hi Guys,

I know that there a way to view global content from the Terminal rather the SMP but I can't remember the command, I think it's something like D ^Global or something !?


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Hi Community,

Let's meet together at the online meetup with the winners of the InterSystems Globals contest! A great opportunity to have a discussion with InterSystems Product Managers on Globals. Our winners' demo included.

Date & Time: Thursday, April 14, 2022 – 12:00 EDT
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0 468

Hi everyone,

We are trying to verify a signature against a certificate without success.

Apologies in advanced if my post lack info.

I've added the cert under the X509 credentials under the management portal (alias Cert).

The code snippet that we are using to verify the cert:

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0 679

While I love using VSCode for IRIS development work, one of the persistent frustrations with it has been the inability to display an object hierarch in the variables window while debugging. Only the object's reference identifier is displayed. Cache Studio's handling of the same issue is a little clunky, but it does at least have the option to display something as an object.

For now, I make do with a combination of the watch window and the command line in the debugging console -- but this feels just a step away from log.debug()/console.log() level debugging sometimes.

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· Sep 22, 2020
VSCode and CSP - what did I miss?

Hi -

I'm trying to get my VS Code instance that is connected to an AWS IRIS instance to edit/save/compile .csp files, but it's failing to work and I'm not sure why. The ".csp" is associated with the objectscript-csp code, and the server is connected, but things just don't act like they are enabled.

Should this work? and if so, what might I have missed in configuring things?

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0 806

Hey Developers,

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Creating Pivot Tables with InterSystems IRIS Business Intelligence
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0 237
· Apr 15, 2022
Export to Excel problem

Hi Guys,

I'm using the below code to export to excel and it's working fine for one client but not for another and both clients are running the same version of IE 11.

for the second client the code generates an empty xlsx file and when I try to open it it says file corupted although data exits in the resultset, so is there a flag or setting needs be done in the client server or IE?

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0 296

We have a requirement to write to an AWS S3 bucket from Cache.

We haven't upgrade to IRIS yet, but are looking at doing so in the future. This requirement cannot wait for the upgrade to happen, unfortunately.

Will appreciate if any one can share any example code, that enables cache to write to an AWS S3 bucket?

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1 648

I am writing a Python tools I want to access the %Monitor.System.License properties:

  1. AvailableDist
  2. AvailableLocal
  3. MaxUsedDist
  4. MaxUsedLocal
  5. CurrentUsedDist
  6. CurrentUsedLocal

Initially I want to develop Objectscript to verify access to the properties. But I can not figure the proper syntax.

I first attempted:

set ans = ##class(%Monitor.System.License).AvailableDist

which failed.

I tried another approach:

set ans = ##CLASS(%Monitor.System.License).%GetParameter("AvailableLocal")

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0 259
· Mar 22, 2022
load and compile from java

Hi i am trying to load and compile one class from java . I am following this code. I am using iris 2021.2

irisConnection = (IRISConnection) DriverManager
.getConnection("jdbc:IRIS://", "username", "password");
iris = IRIS.createIRIS(irisConnection);
iris.classMethodStatusCode("%SYSTEM.OBJ", "Load", "/filePath/SumanPramodTest.test3.CLS.xml","/displaylog=0 /displayerror=0");

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0 340

Hi Team,

I am working on data transformation ADT^A01 from ADT^A01 ,In both source and target MRG segment is not available. How can i create a new MRG segment in Target. Kindly share your ideas how to create a new segment in Data transformation.

Thanks in advance

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