Hi Team,

I am converting xml message into HL7 message but the input XML message contains pdf which is converting into base 64 and getting mapped to OBX:5.5 in HL7 message and sending it to downstream

In Downstream service i am using normal HL7 TCP class EnsLib.HL7.Service.TCPService but the message looks like below i am not sure why stream is taking as another segment in HL7 message,

Any thoughts on this?



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Throughout the forum, I find examples of using the method getSegmentByIndex to get the segment as I loop through the HL7 message segments.

Today I spent way too long trying to figure out why I could not modify the segment with this same method. I reached out to my more experienced team and I showed where I got the base code from what I was doing, but I myself could not find the documentation of the method.

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I was working on a DTL but kept getting ERROR #5002... MAXSTRING errors. The problem was that most of the DTL GUI action steps only support the string data type when working with the segments. A %String has a limit of 3,641,144 characters and my OBX5.1 was 5,242,952 characters long as the example provided. Of course PACS admin stated ultra high quality up to and including 4K resolution files were needed, so we could not get the vendor to compress or reformat these files to compressed jpg or something similar.

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I have been trying to track down an issue we are seeing in our TEST environment with Memory usage.

We have Several BP's for years now that take a HL7 message, parse it apart, and make calls to a Custom EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter to have it execute Insert/Select/Update/Delete stored procedures against a MS SQL Database via JDBC connection. We are using Microsoft's JDBC 12.2 driver to do this.

What we are seeing is that IRIS.WorkQueue globals are being defined for these calls but then the IRIS.WorkQueue is not being cleaned up and taking up large amounts of Memory.

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We need to generate a PDF file from an HL7 message as it passes through an Ensemble production. Looking for examples, tutorials, documentation aligned to our scenario.

We are currently using Ensemble (so can't use InterSystems Reports at the moment). Thinking Zen reports...

We can get from HL7 to XML OK, following Introduction to InterSystems Health Connect - YouTube (see c.1:11:00-1:13:00)

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Is there a way to generate an MD5 checksum of a file by performing a checksum against the file's parts? We potentially have to process large files and therefore cannot keep the entire file in memory. From what I understand checksum related logic is typically stateful, allowing file data to be passed through sequentially, however it appears cache script offers only stateless functions offering a simple method of generating a single checksum hash from a single string (or stream), correct me if I'm wrong?

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Using the FHIR DEMO, I have pieced together how to make a FHIR Request using OAuth against an External FHIR Repository. When I execute the Patient search (HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Request), I get a HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Response that has a Quick Stream ID, which I then use to convert the Quick Stream to a JSON Dynamic Object. if I do a trace on the Raw JSON Object, I am able to pull out single elements, however I want to pull the raw JSON into a defined Class Structure.

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I have an HL7 message that contains NTE segment with line break inside.

when I try to transform it (with DTL) it stops reading the message after the line break inside the NTE because it treat that as "End of Message".

Is there a way to solve this in the DTL or I need to run a pre process on the HL7 message that identify the line break inside the NTE segments and replace it with an escape char?

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I'm migration an existing integration to InterSystems. The upstream (external) system calls a JSON web service hosted in the interface engine, which converts the JSON data received to a HL-7 messages to send to the downstream system. I'm looking for direction and example of how to do the equivalent in InterSystems, so the the upstream system only has to modify the URL of the web service they call.

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Hi Community,

Watch the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

What Is HealthShare Health Connect

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86-64) 2024.1 (Build 267_2U) Tue Apr 30 2024 16:06:39 EDT [HealthConnect:7.2.0-1.r1]

I have a use case where Epic is sending an A60 Allergy transaction is set at the Patient level, but we have a system called VIBE which needs the ADT at an Encounter level instead. Currently we store ADT information in a MS SQL database for years, and we are querying it to get the latest Account Number to insert into the ADT^A60 for VIBE.

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In this article we are going to see how we can use the WhatsApp instant messaging service from InterSystems IRIS to send messages to different recipients. To do this we must create and configure an account in Meta and configure a Business Operation to send the messages we want.

Let's look at each of these steps in more detail.

Setting up an account on Meta

This is possibly the most complicated point of the entire configuration, since we will have to configure a series of accounts until we can have the messaging functionality.

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Hi Community,

Watch the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Introduction to HealthShare Unified Care Record

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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