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Member since Aug 19, 2020
I rebuild ^rINDEX using, as recommended, D ##class(%Library.RoutineIndex).RebuildIndex($NAMESPACE). That reduced the number of ^rINDEX entries with an empty Date Modified, the cause of the $RO error. However, this function is partially based on ^ROUTINE which in its turn had bogus entries, all of the type ^ROUTINE("ABC",0,"SIZE")=<some integer>. That’s all these routines contain. I killed these ^ROUTINE nodes and rebuilt ^rINDEX. No empty Date Modified.
I made a mistake, now corrected: it's Cache, not Ensemble. It does have this function too. I'll post results here.
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$STACK, of course. It looks like current line is represented by $st(1,"MCODE"). Did not know about $zname. Thanks!