
This is a quickstart guide to IRIS for Linux systems administrators who need to be able to support the IRIS DB as well as other normal infrastructure tasks.

IRIS is a DB system from Intersystems. An IRIS DB can hold code (in the form of a Class) or data (in the form of Globals). IRIS DB are Linux files called IRIS.DAT.

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Once upon a time in Ensemble Management Portal the pool size of each component (Business Host) within the production was displayed in the Production Configuration page.

This information was very useful, especially when a production have tens or hundreds of components.

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I have two instances of IRIS, one is Production and another one is Staging (both managed by Docker) and I want to set up a full daily recover of the Staging server from a full backup of the Production server. I know how to do this manually using the DBREST utility, as well as how to make a copy of the database by making a full copy of the durable directory (however this option requires a full stop of the Production-database). What is the best way to automatically restore all databases from a full backup using scripting?

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Monitoring your IRIS deployment is crucial. With the deprecation of System Alert and Monitoring (SAM), a modern, scalable solution is necessary for real-time insights, early issue detection, and operational efficiency. This guide covers setting up Prometheus and Grafana in Kubernetes to monitor InterSystems IRIS effectively.

This guide assumes you already have an IRIS cluster deployed using the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator (IKO), which simplifies deployment, integration and mangement.

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I have created a class file that I want to execute daily to gather Metrics (Message Header, Space Available, etc..) and write the data into a Cache table. Now that I have written the class I want to add it to the Task Scheduler within Ensemble to run every morning. How do I go about getting the class file created as a Task within the Task Scheduler? The Documentation isn't as clear cut for creating custom tasks as one would expect.

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So, you checked your server and saw that IRISTEMP is growing too much. There's no need to panic. Let’s investigate the issue before your storage runs out.

Step 1: Confirm the IRISTEMP Growth Issue

Before assuming IRISTEMP is the problem, let’s check its actual size.

Check the Free Space

Run the following command in the IRIS terminal:


When prompted, enter:

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Hi beloved members of the Community!

It is very common in the daily life of IRIS or Health Connect users that it is necessary to install new instances or update the ones they already have and in many cases it is not these same users who carry out the installation, but rather systems personnel who often do not take into account the particularities of the assignment of permissions necessary for the installation.

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Hi, this post was initially written for Caché. In June 2023, I finally updated it for IRIS. If you are revisiting the post since then, the only real change is substituting Caché for IRIS! I also updated the links for IRIS documentation and fixed a few typos and grammatical errors. Enjoy :)

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I recently had a company-enforced OS upgrade, and ever since going from mac OS 14.x to 15.x, I am currently having issues with SSL in IRIS.

An ARM (M3 pro) machine running OS 15.2, with the latest Docker Desktop (at the time of writing, 4.37.0). The Docker container runs IRIS for UNIX (Ubuntu Server LTS for x86-64 Containers) 2022.1.2 (Build 574_0_22161U). This container has not changed.

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In this tutorial, I will discuss how can you connect your IRIS data platform to sql server db .


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· May 24, 2024 15m read

If you're running IRIS in a mirrored configuration for HA in GCP, the question of providing a Mirror VIP (Virtual IP) becomes relevant. Virtual IP offers a way for downstream systems to interact with IRIS using one IP address. Even when a failover happens, downstream systems can reconnect to the same IP address and continue working.

The main issue, when deploying to GCP, is that an IRIS VIP has a requirement of IRIS being essentially a network admin, per the docs.

To get HA, IRIS mirror members must be deployed to different availability zones in one subnet (which is possible in GCP as subnets always span the entire region). One of the solutions might be load balancers, but they, of course, cost extra, and you need to administrate them.

In this article, I would like to provide a way to configure a Mirror VIP without using Load Balancers suggested in most other GCP reference architectures.

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I was just trying to get to the bottom of a TLS config - we have an interface with a TLS config that has had 'Server certificate verification' set to 'On', however the cert file specified either did not exist or contained a cert that was expired.

Does anyone know what the behavior is for this typically? I would expect this to not allow traffic on the interface, however this has been working fine for a few years now with an invalid cert specified for 'Server certificate verification' and set to 'On'.

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In a customer project we started enforcing the "Inactivity Limit" as defined in System-Wide Security Parameters. The customer would expect accounts to become Disabled after they have been inactive for the specified amount of days. However, that doesn't happen; it seems the Inactivity Limit is only established after logging in.

Furthermore, the account inactivity only starts being applied after the first login. Can you confirm that?

Lastly, for accounts that have been manually Disabled, and have an expired password, we see the following weird behavior:

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I am developing locally on my IRIS instance using VSCode and client-side editing approach. How can I automatically export a single .cls file/a whole package to a remote TEST/PREPROD server using a script or command line and recompile the unit remotely? Are there any more simple and straightforward ways than CI/CD explained in the series of articles by Eduard?

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InterSystems Official
· Sep 24, 2018
Advisory: VMWare vSAN and Data Integrity

September 24, 2018 – Advisory: VMWare vSAN and Data Integrity

Clients running vSAN 6.6 or later should review a very important article that VMware published on September 21, 2018. The article describes the possibility of file system and database corruption, which can lead to outages and possible data loss, and we believe that some of our clients have encountered this issue. Therefore, we encourage you to act on this as soon as possible.

The VMWare knowledge base article is titled:

Virtual Machines running on VMware vSAN 6.6 and later report guest data consistency concerns following a disk extend operation (58715)

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· Sep 25, 2018
Wireshark with ensemble


We see a lot of TCPIP connection error for few of the components not sure if it is a network glitch at the source/target or is it with us. And most of the times these errors are very transient and vanish on their own and the connection gets re established and the messages get processed. Here is the error we mostly see

ERROR <Ens>ErrTCPTerminatedReadTimeoutExpired: TCP Read timeout (30) expired waiting for terminator SegTerminatorAscii=13, on |TCP|50007|10620, data received =''


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· Sep 25, 2024
LDAP Authentication Question

I am trying to track down a problem we saw this morning with our TEST environment. We had a momentary issue where InterSystems HealthShare Health Connect could not connect correctly to LDAP. When we tried to login and could not connect to LDAP, the system would Delete our users.

the Test LDAP function would return a "Can't contact LDAP server". I went through the Certificates, made sure they had the correct permissions and were not expired.

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What is Journaling?

Journaling is a critical IRIS feature and a part of what makes IRIS a reliable database. While journaling is fundamental to IRIS, there are nuances, so I wrote this article to summarize (more briefly than our documentation which has all the details) what you need to know. I realize the irony of saying the 27 minute read is brief.

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Currently we are exploring how we can allocate additional disk space to our current environment as we have seen a significant increase in growth of our Database files. Currently we have 3 namespaces, all with 1 IRIS.dat each that contains both the Global and Routines.

Since we have started down the route of everything within a single IRIS.dat file for each namespace, is it logical as we see growth to be able to split the current IRIS.dat for each namespace into a separate IRIS.dat for global and a IRIS.dat with for routines for each namespace in a Mirror environment?

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· Jul 8, 2024 2m read
Configuring IRIS autostart on Linux

For practical reasons, it may be desirable that after a Linux server restart, the IRIS instance is automatically started.

Below you will find the steps to follow to automate the startup of IRIS during a reboot of the Linux server, via systemd :

1. Create an iris.service file in /etc/systemd/system/iris.service containing the following information

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

Temporary globals stored in the IRISTEMP/CACHETEMP databases are used when a process does not need to store data indefinitely, but requires the powerful performance of globals. The IRISTEMP/CACHETEMP databases are not journaled, so using temporary globals does not create journal files.

The system uses the IRISTEMP/CACHETEMP databases for temporary storage and are available to users for the same.

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When there's a performance issue, whether for all users on the system or a single process, the shortest path to understanding the root cause is usually to understand what the processes in question are spending their time doing. Are they mostly using CPU to dutifully march through their algorithm (for better or worse); or are they mostly reading database blocks from disk; or mostly waiting for something else, like LOCKs, ECP or database block collisions?

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