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Member since Dec 20, 2018

What solved my problem was to copy the referenced XSD file from schemaLocation="../../tel/error/TelematikError.xsd" to the local folder where the wsdl file was located and then change the reference to schemaLocation="TelematikError.xsd".

After doing this the import of the wsdl file ran through and created all datatype classes, request, resoponse and operation class.

Thanks for your help and time,

regards, Martin

Hello Jani,

as far as I understand does the importer resolve imported references. Normally there is no need to separately import the referenced schemas when importing a wsdl file. This worked with some other serviced quite good, it is just two of them, which do not work.

Anyways, I was using the schema reader provided by Luis and the result from importing the VSDService.xsd is a package structure that also contains the elements defined by the file ConnectorContext.xsd. What I still don't have is the soap operation class and the request and response message classes...

Kind regards, Martin

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