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Maine, USA
Member since Feb 18, 2016

The code block action in a DTL is for writing arbitrary ObjectScript, not Javascript. It's commonly used for for data manipulation that can't be satisfied by the methods available in the FunctionSet; for example, extracting and decoding a base64-encoded PDF from an OBX:5.5 field and writing it to a file. It can also be used to interact with globals to maintain state between invocations of the DTL, or perform a database lookup, or even write values to the default device that will display in the Test tool. Very useful for debugging.

I would not recommend using it for operations that could potentially block. There's no built-in mechanism for setting a timeout so use a BPL for those cases.

I don't have a script for you, but if you'd like to obtain errors encountered with parsing messages against the identified DocType/Category, feed them through a service that assigns the expected Message Schema Category and send them to a business process that calls the Validate() method with the desired flags. It will return a %Status; you can extract its error strings with $System.Status.GetErrorText().

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