Upon upgrading to 2023.1.4 we noticed that code exposed some issues with our HL7 DTLs during runtime (not compile). That codebase contains code which references invalid PropertyPaths. With our current version 2021, those invalid references appear to evaluate out to "" and no errors are produced. Of course the code is not generating output as expected but the router does not error.

Our dilemma is that we need to identify any DTLs whereby we are referencing non-existent property paths so we can address before upgrading live environment.

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Is there documentation that shows the mapping between the management portal components and object script package.class.methods?
I am searching on-line documentation but have not been successful.
For example, in the management portal SystemOperation > TaskManager > TaskSchedule can map to the method: class(Monitors.Tasks).ListSuspendedTasks().

What would be a similar mapping for SystemOperation > TaskManager > TaskHistory?
I initially thought it would be something similar to class(Monitors.Tasks).ListTaskHistory().

Best Regards,

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0 36

The invention and popularization of Large Language Models (such as OpenAI's GPT-4) has launched a wave of innovative solutions that can leverage large volumes of unstructured data that was impractical or even impossible to process manually until recently.

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5 532
· Jul 16 6m read
Method or Class Method?

For programmers new to ObjectScript, one question will inevitably arise: “What is the difference between methods and class methods?” A typical answer would be: “A class method applies to a class, but a method applies to an instance of that class.” While that answer is correct, it lacks important information on how these methods di

8 1
4 157

Using the FHIR DEMO, I have pieced together how to make a FHIR Request using OAuth against an External FHIR Repository. When I execute the Patient search (HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Request), I get a HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Response that has a Quick Stream ID, which I then use to convert the Quick Stream to a JSON Dynamic Object. if I do a trace on the Raw JSON Object, I am able to pull out single elements, however I want to pull the raw JSON into a defined Class Structure.

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0 81

Has anyone noticed weird behavior when upgrading to HealthShare Health Connect 2024.1?

Wednesday I upgraded our TEST environment from IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86-64) 2022.1.4 (Build 812_0_22913U) [HealthConnect:3.5.0-1.m1] [HealthConnect:3.5.0-1.m1] to IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86-64) 2024.1 (Build 267_2U) [HealthConnect:3.5.0-1.m1].

Some of our Business Processes have been throwing...

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0 85

The SYS.Mirror CatchupDB() method requires a System File Number/Inode value as a parameter. I have not yet found a suitable internal method to get this value. Is anyone aware of a utility method that would do this? I do know I can get this value with a small amount of Python or by calling out to the OS. However I wanted to stick with pure Objectscript in this project if possible.

Failing in this I will use embedded python to run the line or two of Python needed to get this value.

Thank you for any hints

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Hey everyone.

I was wondering if anyone had come across a way of reformatting ObjectScript within VSCode.

I have the various Intersystems Extensions installed (InterSystems Language Pack, InterSystems ObjectScript, InterSystems ObjectScript Extension Pack, InterSystems Server Manager) but a formatter does not seem to be something included within this variety of extensions.

2 20
0 644

I'm scraping my way through some code that's been around for a while, and came across the use of $ZTRAP and (dear GOD) GOTO for trapping and handling errors.

In an effort to "modernize" it and make it, I don't know, less M-ish (sorry old-timers!), I'm replacing it with Try/Catch blocks.

Some questions:

  1. Is this a dumb idea?
  2. Anything I should look out for?
  3. Did I hurt anyone's feelings?

And if the answer to number 3 is Yes, my deepest apologies ... I love you guys! 🤩

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Let's say I have an InterSystems IRIS instance with 6 Namespaces:

  • Foo1
  • Foo2
  • Foo3
  • Foo4
  • Foo5
  • Bar

And the number of Foo# namespaces can increase at any time for a number of reasons. I need to ensure that they all have identical configuration globals stored in a DB called CONFIG, so I do the following in my configuration file:


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0 213

Hello everyone,

Recently, I've been working on a Business Process that processes a large JSON FHIR message containing up to 50k requests in an array within the JSON.

Currently, the code imports the JSON as a dynamic object from the original message stream, obtains an iterator from it, and processes each request one at a time in a loop.

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