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Member since Aug 26, 2022

Not sure it counts as an answer, but what we did to step round this issue was to move the bulk of the functionality - where the error handling was required - into a new business process, leaving only the most basic "pass the trigger message along" functionality in the business service. Added an extra component to the production, but we can now see errors in the log when they occur, and they are passed appropriately to Ens.Alert.

Never mind, I'm an idiot. One of my colleagues found the issue - I thought I had, but I hadn't managed to add both:

  • Property ReplyCodeActions As %String(MAXLEN = 1000);
  • Parameter SETTINGS = "ReplyCodeActions:Additional,...."

I think I'd added one to TNHS.SOAPclassExtra, hadn't worked, tried the other, but somehow failed to check both together...🙄 Working now.

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