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Member since Mar 24, 2022
Rewrote the statement so going to mark Eyal's answer as accepted as it was the correct approach to try a different conversion function.
Closing- this went to a WRC- even making a helper class wouldn't make it work like we would expect it to work.
There is a JIRA for message bank to be improved- as realisitally is should be more like a standard Async member where you could have a different message purging cycle on it i.e. maintain on it for 1 year while only 30 days on main ect.
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I think it might be my misunderanding of how the rule editor works with foreach but the documentation is not clear
I would expect to see trace "1" send, trace "2" send, not it running through the foreach until the end have a count of how much it succeeded and then send with userdata "2" twice. Is there a way to change this? Why it is this way around?