do ^ADMIN  indicates that you run a classic straight ObjectScript program.
while WRITE just has 1 direction to act  READ is bi-directional.
READ can send some text as prompt and waits for reply.
The only bi-directinal device I know of are network connections as TCP, UDP, TRM,FTP,..
The common feature is : they communicate out of your IRIS instance.

Inside IRIS 
you may do a redirection e.g to some TCP port like |TCP|7000
but then this port is blocked. No other process can touch |TCP|7000.
So you need an external port wrapper to some other port. e.g. |TCP|7100

Then you can handle this bi-directional communication either by sequence
or you have a list of prompts and the expected replies or similar. 

The sequence of operation could then be:

  • have a STARTER that runs in background
    • initiate the external wrapper 
    • run do ^ADMIN
  • start the FOREGROUND 
    • connect to external wrapper
    • send prompts to terminal
    • get replies from external file
    • send it back to port
    • which forwards it to  ^ADMIN hanging in background

 The most tricky point is to handle situations where the communication
if it is not just 1 Prompt :=> 1 Answer  but
multiple Prompts or WRITEs  :=>1 Answer or 1 Prompt :=> multiple Answers.

So I'd suggest instead of an IRIS internal solution rather look for an
external Terminal program to consume and apply your answer script.  

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