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Member since Sep 20, 2022

One way I can think of is to get the name of each config item that is enabled via an SQL query such as:
SELECT Name, ClassName FROM Ens_Config.Item WHERE Production = '<production name>' and Enabled = 1

Then for each of these call ##class(Ens.Director).EnableConfigItem("<production name>||<config item name>|<config item class name>", 0)

I am not sure of any method to do it all at once.

I really enjoy taking things apart and breaking them down into basic components to see how they work. I found it useful to insert break statements in a confusing piece of code and run it from terminal (can also use the ObjectScript debugger from VS Code with breakpoints). Then I could write out the values at each break and reverse-engineer what the command/method must do. I also really enjoy the ability to drill down into the code and read the definition of a method. If you are curious how any method works you can just Ctrl+Click from VS Code to go to that method's definition(Ctrl+Shift+G from Studio).

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