I have got an answer while searching in community pages.
I have written below code , reading all text from pdf
Class PRASHANTHNSPKG.ReadPDF Extends %RegisteredObject
/// zw ##class(User.PDF).GetText("/tmp/example.pdf", .text)
ClassMethod GetText(file, Output text) As %Status
Try {
#dim sc As %Status = $$$OK
Kill text
Set dir = $SYSTEM.Util.ManagerDirectory()_ "python"
Do ##class(%File).CreateDirectoryChain(dir)
/// C:\InterSystems\IRISHealth\bin>irispip install --target C:\InterSystems\IRISHealth\mgr\python PyPDF2
Try {
Set pypdf2 = $SYSTEM.Python.Import("PyPDF2")
} Catch {
Set cmd = "irispip"
Set args($INCREMENT(args)) = "install"
Set args($INCREMENT(args)) = "--target"
Set args($INCREMENT(args)) = dir
Set args($INCREMENT(args)) = "PyPDF2"
Set sc = $ZF(-100,"", cmd, .args)
Set pypdf2 = $SYSTEM.Python.Import("PyPDF2")
Return:'$DATA(pypdf2) $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Unable to load PyPDF2")
Kill pypdf2
Set text = ..GetTextPy(file)
} Catch ex {
Set sc = ex.AsStatus()
Quit sc
ClassMethod GetTextPy(file) [ Language = python ]
from PyPDF2 import PdfReader
reader = PdfReader(file)
text = ""
for page in reader.pages:
text += page.extract_text() + "\n"
return text
Thank a lot David , it is working for me

thank for nice demo