Hi Community!

We're pleased to invite all DC members to the InterSystems Global Masters Gamification Platform to get points and prizes for your contribution to the Community, learn with selected content about InterSystems technology, network with your peers and have fun!

▶️ What is Global Masters?

Global Masters is a gamification platform, where you learn technology, complete tech quizzes, watch videos, etc. You will be completing challenges (tasks) related to ISC technology, earning badges & points, and exchanging points for a variety of rewards.

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Hi Developers,

We'd like to highlight some key information about the Tech Exchange zone at Global Summit 2024. This year, you can see and add every demo, roundtable, or discussion to your schedule, ensuring you don't miss a thing!

Here's what to explore at Tech Exchange:

  • Request a 1-on-1 meeting with InterSystems product experts and developers
  • Startup Showcase
  • Partner Pavilion
  • Developer Community booth
  • Learning Services booth
  • FHIR booth
  • Supply Chain booth
  • UX booth
  • Vector Search, GenAI discussion table. Available for spontaneous connections with others interested in this topic
  • more than 40 tech demos!

Learning opportunities in Tech Exchange room:

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It's time to announce the Winners for April! Please welcome our awesome Global Masters Heroes!

The storm of applause goes to these developers and their great contribution to DC in April:

🥇@David Hockenbroch, senior analyst, WoodWare Systems, United States
🥈@Sylvain Guilbaud, Sales Engineer, InterSystems, France
🥉@Robert Cemper, ex Senior Sales Engineer from InterSystems, Austria

Learn more about the competition and our awesome winners below.

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At InterSystems, we strive to give you the best quality in everything. Including the realization of our Global Masters program.

The vendor of this platform has been acquired by another company, and unfortunately, we will no longer be able to continue hosting our esteemed Global Masters program on this platform. We are currently evaluating new platform providers to facilitate the transition of the Global Masters Advocate Hub.

Beginning April 26th, we will temporarily suspend access to the Global Masters program as we transition to a new platform.


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It's time to announce the Winners for March! Please welcome our awesome Global Masters Heroes!

The storm of applause goes to these developers and their great contribution to DC in March:

🥇 @Iryna Mykhailova, Associate professor at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
🥈 @Danusa Calixto, Sales Engineer at InterSystems
🥉 @Sylvain Guilbaud, Sales Engineer at InterSystems

Learn more about the competition and our awesome winners below.

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0 234


I found an issue while fetching records from FHIR DB, I am getting below error thou FHIR repository have the records with the corresponding id


"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",

"issue": [


"severity": "error",

"code": "not-found",

"diagnostics": "<HSFHIRErr>ResourceNotFound",

"details": {

"text": "No resource with type 'Appointment' and id '21'"





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It's time to announce the Winners for February! Please welcome our awesome Global Masters Heroes!

The storm of applause goes to these developers and their great contribution to DC in February:

🥇 @Kurro Lopez, Project manager, Salutic Soluciones, S.L, Spain
🥈 @Robert Cemper, ex Senior Sales Engineer from InterSystems, Austria
🥉 @Sylvain Guilbaud, Sales Engineer, InterSystems, France

Learn more about the competition and our awesome winners below.

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0 172


I am having an issue when I am publishing data to FHIR which is hosting in AWS. I am sending the data to the Cloud FHIR url but getting the below error.

Any idea how to resolve this issue? Any example to cretae FHIR repository using Object script?

:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <html><head> <title>404 Not Found</title> </head><body> <h1>Not Found</h1> <p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p> </body></html>

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Hi Developers,

Our first Online Developer Roundtable of 2024 will take place on March 5th at 9 am ET | 3 pm CET.

Tech talks:

  1. ObjectScript Unit Testing Tools, Techniques and Best Practices - by @Timothy Leavitt , Development Manager, Application Services, InterSystems
  2. Monitoring and Alerting Capabilities of InterSystems IRIS - by @Mark Bolinsky , Principal Technology Architect, InterSystems Mark's presentation is rescheduled for the roundtable in April.

Update: watch the recording of the roundtable below:

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It's time to announce the Winners for January! Please welcome our awesome Global Masters Heroes!

The storm of applause goes to these developers and their great contribution to DC in January:

🥇 @Luis Angel Pérez Ramos, Sales Engineer, InterSystems
🥈 @Pierre LaFay, CEO, Ellipse
🥉 @Sylvain Guilbaud, Sales Engineer, InterSystems

Learn more about the competition and our awesome winners below.

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0 312

It's time to announce the Winners for December! Please welcome our awesome Global Masters Heroes!

The storm of applause goes to these developers and their great contribution to DC in December:

🥇 @Enrico Parisi, Senior Consultant, Gaivota Consulting SA, Switzerland
🥈 @Tani Frankel , Sales Engineer Manager, InterSystems, Israel
@Daniel Aguilar, Senior Developer, Aquaservice, Spain

Learn more about the competition and our awesome winners below.

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0 274

It's time to announce the Winners for November! Please welcome our awesome Global Masters Heroes!

The storm of applause goes to these developers and their great contribution to DC in November:

🥇 @Enrico Parisi, Senior Consultant, Gaivota Consulting SA, Switzerland
🥈 @Luis Angel Pérez Ramos, Sales Engineer, InterSystems, Spain
@Daniel Aguilar, Senior Developer, Aquaservice, Spain

Learn more about the competition and our awesome winners below.

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0 327
· Oct 28, 2023
escape bracket in SQL

I've written a stored procedure for SQL as follows. The second parameter is a search path that may use a single quote or bracket as part of its expression.

When the expression uses a single quote, I can double it within SQL, and it works well. In this example, 'testDate' is written as ' ' testDate ' ' .

Select HISOL_MEAS.SQLProc_JSONpath(fullAnnotation,'HbA1cTests.sort(''testDate'',false).resultValue') As reverseSortedTests

In the next example I'd like to use brackets (see below), which causes an error.

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Hi Everyone,

Our next online Developer Roundtable will take place on September 28 at 9 am ET. Our experts will cover the topic:

  1. "Running IRIS workloads in the cloud (AWS, GCP, Azure): VMs or Containers, networking setup, availability, mirrors, backups", presented by @Eduard Lebedyuk , Senior Cloud Engineer, InterSystems

We will have time for Q&A and open discussion.

>> Watch the recording

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0 349

Hi Everyone,

Join us at the online Developer Roundtable to discuss Generative AI Use Cases in Healthcare on August 31, 10 am ET.
Learn Use Cases + Reference Architecture in Healthcare, and witness the demo of LLMs. We will have time for Q&A and open discussion as usual.

Speaker: @Nicholai Mitchko , Manager, Solution Partner Sales Engineer, InterSystems

Background: Nicholai runs a team of 10 solution engineers at InterSystems that help healthcare companies design, develop, and deliver solutions at enormous scale. In his free time, Nicholai works on large language models, including developing his own models which appear on the Huggingface OpenLLM leaderboard.

See the recording on our YouTube channel:

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0 306

Hey guys,

I do love Global Masters (and all the rewards that I get from it) and one of my favourite activities is answering quiz questions. And just now I've had a really cute question What is the result of: WRITE "99" + "cents"? which brought a smile to my face (because I do love to add questions like this to the tests for my students). This made me think that I would really like to somehow show my appreciation to the author of this question.

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