In this series of articles, I'd like to present and discuss several possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab. I will cover such topics as:

  • Git 101
  • Git flow (development process)
  • GitLab installation
  • GitLab Workflow
  • Continuous Delivery
  • GitLab installation and configuration
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • Why containers?
  • Containers infrastructure
  • CD using containers

In the first article, we covered Git basics, why a high-level understanding of Git concepts is important for modern software development, and how Git can be used to develop software.

In the second article, we covered GitLab Workflow - a complete software life cycle process and Continuous Delivery.

In the third article, we covered GitLab installation and configuration and connecting your environments to GitLab

In the fourth article, we wrote a CD configuration.

In the fifth article, we talked about containers and how (and why) they can be used.

In the sixth article let's discuss main components you'll need to run a continuous delivery pipeline with containers and how they all work together.

In this article, we'll build Continuous Delivery configuration discussed in the previous articles.

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We're trying to get a little more discipline around Web Gateway change control, and deploy changes to our CSP.ini from source control. I was wondering if anyone cared to share their best practices in this area? There is a "RELOAD" parameter ( which says you can put RELOAD=1 in your CSP.ini file in order to force it to automatically activate when noticed by the daemon.

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IRIS configurations and user accounts contain various data elements that need to be tracked, and many people struggle to copy or sync those system configurations and user accounts between IRIS instances. So how can this process be simplified?

In software engineering, CI/CD or CICD is the set of combined practices of continuous integration (CI) and (more often) continuous delivery or (less often) continuous deployment (CD). Can CI/CD eliminate all our struggles?

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In a healthcare setting we've an Ensemble namespace through which passes a key HL7 feed (the ADT feed from our PAS). It is split up, transformed and passed on to multiple downstream systems. We consider the feed going to each downstream system an interface. Each interface is developed as separately as possible - typically as a separate branch of our git repo (which we access via VS Code).

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Some Usage cases

1. A deployment may consist of two high availability instances and two disaster recovery instances in a different data center.

The corresponding UAT environment could replicate this giving a total of 8 instances. How do you confirm CPF and Scheduled task alignment across ALL instances.

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Hello fellow developers!

When developing with ObjectScript Package Manager, one crucial thing is the package version, which we place in the module.xml file. When we add changes to the package and are ready to publish a new version of the package in the registry, we also need to increase the version number. This is clear, but it is annoying, and we can often forget to do that.

This small article will help you to automate such a process.

Probot logo

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We're looking forward to seeing everyone at the InterSystems Global Summit next week!

George James Software will be there offering demos of our Deltanji source control. It has been proven to improve efficiencies within for individual developers, larger organizations, and everyone in between by bringing clarity to the development of your system. It encourages configuration management, versioning, and process control to improve the quality of your code.

If you would like to find out more, look out for us in the Partner Pavilion or book in for our User Group session during lunch on Wednesday, June 22nd. Email to let us know you'll be there.

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· Jan 19, 2018
Gitlab hooks for Studio


I am in the process of trying to implement version control software with studio. Has anyone got any recommendations (either Linux based/windows based) as a place to start I have installed Gitlab and I wanted to know whether anyone has come across any obstacles using this.

I was also wondering whether anyone has developed any hooks for Gitlab that works well with Studio as I would prefer if there was a more integrated solution with studio? Any help with this would be great.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,


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Hi developers,

We have just published an update to the Deltanji version control extension for Visual Studio Code.

When used in certain Deltanji workflows, triggering an automatic checkout on first keystroke could result in the developer working on an outdated copy of the code and only being notified of this later when saving their changes. In order to prevent this from happening checkout now reloads the document immediately.

Error messaging has been improved in two areas - when attempting to cancel code that is not checked out, and when trying to register new code onto a withdraw system.

We have also improved interoperability between the Deltanji extension and the InterSystems ObjectScript one, as well as its handling of multi-component objects.

If you're already a user of Deltanji then your extension with automatically update. You can find out more information on Deltanji and the latest release here.

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Hello All,

InterSystems Certification has designed another certification exam and we need input from our community to help validate the exam topics. Here's your chance to have your say in the knowledge, skills, and abilities that a certified InterSystems CCR Technical Implementation Specialist should possess.

Here's the exam title and the definition:

InterSystems CCR Technical Implementation Specialist

A development professional who:

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Hi Developers!

A question to those who use VSCode to code InterSystems ObjectScript.

Suppose you have the ObjectScript code on IRIS server and you want to export it into the desired folder.

And you have VSCode connected to the server.

What is the way to tell VSCode that I want to export classes into some particular folder in /package/class.cls way?

E.g. into:


and project_folder is opened in VSCode as the folder of the project.

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So I am a front end developer working with REST API with Cache database on the BE. The BE guys are currently using Cache through a Windows virtual machine and they claim it is not possible to have a development server to work with. All the work they are doing is directly on the production server and changes are immediate and I think this is a bad idea going forward and we most definitely need a development server that has access to the same code base and different version (through git) to be able to do development. We also do all the testing on this production server with test accounts, but we cannot do automated testing with this setup.

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When wanting to use VS-Code for server-side editing.. - In VS-code I can right click on a server item (eg a class) to see a set of menu options including 'Server Source Control... ' and 'Server Command Menu...' at the bottom.

I noticed that these options are somewhat connected to my server-side source control hooks class that inherits from %Studio.SourceControl.Base, however, I am seeing different behavior between my custom subclass of this, and, the provided %Atelier.SourceControl subclass.

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I am currently evaluating Source Control systems that we can use for both MS SQL, MS Visual Studio, and InterSystems IRIS. For both MS SQL and MS Visual Studio we do have the option of either Azure or GitHub. I understand when we upgrade to IRIS 2019.1 we have options for Source Control, and in previous Global Summit's I have heard GitHub discussed. So why can't I user GitHub for both MS SQL/MS Visual Studio and IRIS?

A couple of questions come to mind starting to think about Source Control

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Hi, Community!

I'm using Git with DeepSee and when I need to do a commit to the git repo I'm exporting ALL the pivots and dashboards from the namespace. But I can forget to do that) And it can take time for a large system.

What is the way to manage automatical export of DeepSee artefacts which we are editing in UI (Cubes, Pivots, Dashboards, Pivot Variables, Term lists, Shared Measures) into files every time when I push Save button?

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Hi Developers!

Recently we announced two new challenges on Global Masters: 'Bugs Bounty' and 'Pull Requests'.

And we are getting a lot of submits to the challenges which are not the thing we are expecting there. So I hope this post will give some shine to this quest.

'Bugs Bounty'

Ok! What are we expecting from 'Bugs bounty'?

There are a lot of Open Exchange solutions that come with public open-source repositories on Github: project and repo, another project and the repo, another one and its repo, and many more on Open Exchange.

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EDIT: This article has been updated with up-to-date information about the Port project, which now includes a tutorial for basic usage.

The Port project is something that I've introduced more than two years ago but I hadn't enough room to elaborate a tutorial on how to use it till now.

First, the motivation:

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Hi Community!

I have very good news for the developers, who are using GitHub to host projects with InterSystems ObjectScript. GitHub introduced the support of InterSystems ObjectScript this week!

How does it work?

Now all the .cls files in your repository are considered as InterSystems ObjectScript and highlighted according to the language rules of ObjectScript. For example WebTerminal, Samples-Data.

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In this series of articles, I'd like to present and discuss several possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab. I will cover such topics as:

  • Git 101
  • Git flow (development process)
  • GitLab installation
  • GitLab Workflow
  • Continuous Delivery
  • GitLab installation and configuration
  • GitLab CI/CD

In the previous article, we covered Git basics, why a high-level understanding of Git concepts is important for modern software development, and how Git can be used to develop software. Still, our focus was on the implementation part of software development, but this part presents:

  • GitLab Workflow - a complete software life cycle process - from idea to user feedback
  • Continuous Delivery - software engineering approach in which teams produce software in short cycles, ensuring that the software can be reliably released at any time. It aims at building, testing, and releasing software faster and more frequently.

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One of the many benefits of using Atelier for your ObjectScript development is its integration with a wide range of source control systems. This integration enables you to use modern development workflows which increase collaboration while minimizing the risk inherent to volatile code bases.

Veteran ObjectScript developers can tell you about the workarounds that were needed before they could use source control systems with products like Caché and Ensemble. One of these was to treat the data store itself effectively as a code repository. And so shared development environments became essential for many of our customers to be productive and successful.

For code shops that rely on shared development environments, adopting Atelier might seem too complicated. This article aims to provide a practical example to guide your team towards success with Atelier.

You can find an overview of the problems and solutions in this article here, which is a good place to start. This article assumes that you are familiar with the concepts introduced there.

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Everybody has a testing environment.

Some people are lucky enough to have a totally separate environment to run production in.

-- Unknown


In this series of articles, I'd like to present and discuss several possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab. I will cover such topics as:

  • Git 101
  • Git flow (development process)
  • GitLab installation
  • GitLab WorkFlow
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • CI/CD with containers

This first part deals with the cornerstone of modern software development - Git version control system and various Git flows.

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· Nov 16, 2018
Detecting Source Code Change?

Is there a responsive way to detect a source code change without using a source control hook?


I have my own custom unit test tool which has lots of extra functions that I find useful such as Asserting HL7 Transformers and REST targets.

I have a studio hook that will send an event signal to my test runner that will automatically re-run a specific test class or test suite, for which I have a test runner viewing page that updates with the results.

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