· Feb 21, 2023

SFTP endpoint

Has anyone had experience using IRIS as an SFTP endpoint.  We want to use SFTP to receive files from a bank.

Product version: IRIS 2022.1
Discussion (3)1
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IRIS works as a SFTP client:-

1) For doing GET (Business Service)  with EnsLib.FTP.InboundAdapter

2) For doing PUT (Business Operation) with EnsLib.FTP.OutboundAdapter

Option 1

If the external organisation has a SFTP server, then you can poll a directory on the SFTP server using the Business Service.

Option 2

If the external organisation doesn't have a SFTP server, then probably you can set up your own and they can then drop their files to your server and from there you can read it using a business service with file inbound adapter