· Oct 7, 2022
Mirror Failover Settings

Hi All,

Our mirrored HealthShare environment has failed over a few times recently due to underlying infrastructure issues (that are being worked on and resolved).

In the HealthShare logs we are seeing:

10/06/22-00:54:35:925 (4736) 1 Journal Daemon has been inactive with I/O pending for 10 seconds:
10/06/22-00:54:55:086 (4736) 3 CP: Pausing users because Journal Daemon has not shown
signs of activity for 30 seconds. Users will resume if Journal Daemon is active again

My question is:

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,564 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Introducing a new component driver for Deltanji source control, which enables highly granular management of InterSystems Interoperability Productions with tight integration into the management portal

InterSystems Interoperability Productions are defined in a single monolithic class definition. A production can contain many hundreds or thousands of configuration items. This presents a problem if multiple developers are working on different Business Processes within the same production simultaneously. Simultaneous development is almost inevitable for large productions containing many configuration items. 

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· Oct 10, 2022
hs_err_pid log files

Hi Guys,

I'm getting a lot of hs_err_pid.mdmp & hs_err_pis.txt error files in the path where Cache.DAT in located and as I googled these seems to be Java error files and I'm wondering what this has to do with Ensemble, and is it alright to just delete them?


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Hey Community,

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Using the DTL Editor in InterSystems IRIS to Transform X12 Messages
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· Oct 7, 2022
URL masking and redirection

Hi Guys,

I'm a new developer taking over an existing project that I'm not that familiar with and while running a few pages I came across some used urls that leads to same page!?

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Hurray for security!

If you're connecting to a local server and doing isolated development with a throwaway account, just store your password in plain text in the settings.json configuration file. But if you're working with a shared server using a "real" user account, it's a good idea to protect that information.

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Basically the title, I couldn't find anything concrete in the documentation regarding this. The documentation states 'The user-defined ^ZMIRROR routine allows you to implement your own custom, configuration-specific logic and mechanisms for specific mirroring events, such as a failover member becoming primary.' I didn't see any more details on what exactly those mirroring events are besides a failover member becoming primary, which I wasn't sure if that included a DR async becoming primary.

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· Sep 28, 2022
Up/Down Arrow selection
In cache I am looking for a user to, from read prompt, hit control F and be able, from a list, use the up and down arrow and select an item from a list.

User would hit Control-F and then a list would pop up they can up and down arrow through and select it and it return to the read variable

It would be similar to this.

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A simple production that enables FHIR transaction bundles to be loaded into InterSystems® FHIR® Server via Box and Dropbox. Using the included MFT Connection Components and a 14 liner Custom Business Process, this production will process your transaction bundles to FHIR Resources for immediate consumption with Harry Potter like wizardry. Great for Hackathons, Research and FHIR® Cocktail parties.

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Hi DC Members,

This September, you posted 79 new questions on Developer Community:


What children can teach us about asking questions - HatRabbits

Here are the Key Questions of September chosen by InterSystems Experts:

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Hi Friends,

I have created an object script class method to anonymize live hl7 messages with some info masking.

To anonymize files , I need to place live messages in d://input folder and need to execute the below command in the Intersystems terminal

do ##class(prashanth.tool.HL7Annonymiser).processFilesInDir("D:\Input\")

ANONYMIZED files will be generated in D:\output\" folder.

everything is working fine.

Here when i need to annonymise some files ,

1) I need to open terminal (iris)

2) connected to user

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I'm new user learning to use Iris and Ensemble. I'm trying to set up a TCP interface to send delimited data from Ensemble to another interface engine. I created File.PassthroughService to pick up the file and send the data to TCP.Framed.PassthroughOperation. The framing is MLLP and SSL configuration used. It is able to process small files around 50kb. When I drop a larger file such as 5mb, the operation is not getting the ack within the 60 sec timeout.

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Hey DC Members!

Get an overview of the new and enhanced capabilities of the language SDKs:

Language SDKs: New & Next 2022 @ Global Summit 2022
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· Oct 6, 2022
Beta Testers Needed!

Register today to beta test a new learning program!

Sign up to beta test a program, a new type of long-term learning resource geared towards specific roles: solution consultants, coders, and integrators! Programs give you everything you need to get started in a new role, or to upskill and take your career to the next level.

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Docker 20.10.14 (released March 23, 2022) changes the Linux capabilities given to containers in a manner that is incompatible with the Linux capability checker in InterSystems IRIS 2021.1 (and up) containers.

Users running Docker 20.10.14 on Linux will find that IRIS 2021.1+ containers will fail to start and the logs will incorrectly report that required Linux capabilities are missing. For example:

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Welcome to the September'22 Community Release!

We're super excited to share with you all the latest improvements we've done over the last couple of months!

📌 new header of the site

📌 InterSystems Certification page and highlights for certificated specialists

📌 search bar in Posts, Replies, and Direct Messages

📌 new "About Us" pages: our Team and Dev Ecosystem overview

📌 highlights for DC Moderators and Team

📌 new Up button

Let's have a closer look at all these improvements.

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A new release of ZPM has been published 0.4.0

New in this release

  • Added support for Deployed packages, publishing, and installation
  • Support for multiple registry servers, e.g. public community registry, private corporate, and so on, including Python embedded code
  • Ability to show all versions and package origin in search
  • Fixed issue for packages with preload code
  • The expanded limit for the length of arguments in Invoke

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Hi Community,

Join us for an InterSystems Developer Meetup during TechCrunch Disrupt 2022!

We’ll be meeting on Wednesday, October 19th at Bartlett Hall, located at 242 O’Farrell St. (just a few short blocks from the Moscone Center) starting at 6 pm through 8:30 pm PT, where speakers will discuss how developers can bring the code to the data, not data to the code with Embedded Python and Integrated ML on InterSystems IRIS.

Food and drinks will be served accompanied by discussions.


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Hello everyone!

We are Longevica ( Healthtech, a Boston-based healthy aging digital health startup. Longevica was born as a research company back in 2009; we pioneered the screening of chemicals, which would drastically extend the life span. With 1000 screened pharmaceuticals and 20 000 mice experiments, we have identified specific compounds that, if taken daily, could extend life by years. This discovery leads to two questions: how to measure the effect of aging progress in real-time and how to make this a lifelong habit. This led us to the digital health market to create a new company Longevica HealthTech.

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· Sep 20, 2022
Linux and links

If I create a link does root use it? (it’s in profile.d dir)

I'm trying to use a shortcut for a filepath as such: anyone have any thoughts?

PROCAUTO = /JRNDSK/ProcAuto_share

yet in the application it isn't recognizing it.

Here’s the scenario. (link is in place) that my manager thinks maybe an issue.

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