· Sep 29, 2022

[DICOM] InstitutionName is returned empty

Good morning,

We would like to share with you a doubt, and we would appreciate if you could read and answer us.

Currently we have a file titled: "Imagen PatientID 9358340 PatientName Milagros ReasonForStudy 350290 InstitutionName 350290  StudyDate 20220927.xml" , in which we have the following InstitutionName:

    <DicomAttribute keyword="InstitutionName" tag="00080080" vr="LO">
        <Value number="1">350290</Value>

Once we generate the DICOM file using the command  from the tool named "xml2dcm" inside the DICOM simulator package dcm4che:

./xml2dcm -x "Imagen PatientID 9358340 PatientName Milagros ReasonForStudy 350290 InstitutionName 350290  StudyDate 20220927.xml" -o "Imagen PatientID 9358340 PatientName Milagros ReasonForStudy 350290 InstitutionName 350290  StudyDate 20220927.dcm"


We obtain the image in a .dcm file.

When we open it in the viewer, it is shown InstitutionName = 350290


However, when we request from the ESB with HealthShare 2020 version, using PatientName = "Milagros" , the destination system which is being simulated from the dcm4che DICOM simulator, responds with this image indicating the InstitutionName without data, i.e., empty:



Tag Name Contents
(0008,0020) StudyDate (null)
(0008,0030) StudyTime (null)
(0008,0050) AccessionNumber (null)
(0008,0052) QueryRetrieveLevel STUDY
(0008,0061) ModalitiesInStudy (null)
(0008,0080) InstitutionName (null)
(0008,0090) ReferringPhysicianName (null)
(0008,1030) StudyDescription (null)
(0010,0010) PatientName Milagros
(0010,0020) PatientID (null)
(0010,0030) PatientBirthDate (null)
(0010,0040) PatientSex (null)
(0010,4000) PatientComments (null)
(0020,000D) StudyInstanceUID (null)


DESTINATION Simulator response using dcm4che tool:


Response as seen from the ESB:

The ESB response shows the same as the simulator output, InstitutionName a (null)



Please could you point us to documentation, references, examples, hints, classes or tools by which to debug?

Thanks for your time

Thanks for your help and replies

Best regards

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