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Member since Feb 1, 2021
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Rich, I understand all of that. Why, though, do answers to those of us who like Zen always including language like:

". . . could never hope to reach feature parity with more broadly accepted frame works like Angular and the others listed above . . ."

". . . that could never achieve feature parity with those mass market offerings . . ."

I know I'm newer than a lot of people here, but I have yet to see anyone asking about Zen asking for feature parity with any of those other front ends. Meanwhile, the part that actually matters gets discounted:

". . . could only beat them in providing faster, more efficient access to the data layer."

There doesn't seem to be a very good understanding of why some of us are still as attached to Zen as we are (other than momentum). That fast, efficient access to the data layer is extremely important, and we like being able to handle the front end and back end together, seemlessly writing the code it takes to do whatever we need to do on both at once. Zen also allowed us to do all of this using the same skill set that we used for everything else in our projects instead of having to learn two entirely different things for the front and back.

Absolutely none of this has anything to do with a desire for something Zen-like with all the bells and whistles of something like Angular.

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