We have a customized doctype with iterated PIDgrp, so I have a rule that needs to evaluate the pv1:3.1 value to decide which operation the HL& message should go, so I debugged the value in the rule and it definitely should go to the when #2 but it just won't. so did I do anything wrong or it is just the InterSystems doesn't like the iteration value here? I only need to evaluate the first pv1:3.1

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Is it possible to generate INFO level logging events from within a routing rule?

TRACE level events and debugging are easy enough, but we have a case where we have a rule where we want to log messages that are not routed for further processing in the event log as INFO events - in production tracing will be turned off, so TRACE level events won't be visible.

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Very similar question posed here: https://community.intersystems.com/node/467496, but I am missing a piece of this:

How do I correctly call a EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine class from the BPL?I can successfully call the BPL from the EnsLib.HL7.Service.TCPService, and I have the BPL created to delay then call the rule. And I set the context and the result location.

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We have a scenario where we use the best practice article of a BP and DTL to split up HL7 messages mainly ORUS


It is really useful but we have this code in many places that we are trying to consolidate it in one place.

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Is there a difference in outcome between the two screengrabs below?

In both cases, when certain conditions are met, a transformation is called and the output sent on to two targets. In the first case we surmise the transformation is called twice, and the output of the first run sent to the first target, the output of the second run to the second target. In the second case we surmise the transformation is called once, and the output duplicated and sent to the two targets.

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I have a slight issue that's causing me some inconvenience when using the rule editor within Microsoft Edge (Version 126.0.2592.81).

Whenever I try to load up any ruleset, the ruleset displays an unhappy face like this:

This has only recently started, when opening up the rule editor in another browser e.g. Chrome, the problem disappears.

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Receiving HL7 messages from our EMR, and processing to send out to downstream system. These are SIU_S12 messages, with a custom ZOR segment added by the EMR to include order information. The purpose of including this segment is to allow us to only send messages to the vendor that contain a procedure ID that is included on the list of procedures desired by the vendor. These values are in a LUT with the procedure ID in the key field, and a value of 1.

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0 145

Hi Community,

Is there a way to call HL7 Data transformation directly from Business service without using Rule functionality in the production

In this scenario i need to call a data transformation in directly in business service and give the transformed message to Business operation

Please share if you have any ideas to implement this.


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In this article I will demonstrate the following :

  • Update ReferencesRange(OBX:7) against ObservationIdentifier(OBX:3.1)[TestCode] from database by using custom utility function
  • Update Abnormal Flag(OBX:8) against ObservationIdentifier(OBX:3.1)[TestCode] and ObservationValue(OBX:5)[Result] from database utility function
  • Route Message based on Abnormal Flag(OBX:8)

Below is the primary and transformed HL7 2.5 ORU_R01 message:

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Ran into an issue this morning, that I am having a hard time trying to track down what might have caused the issue. We have a Business Rule that sends HL7 ADT to a Business Process that inserts the data into a MS SQL Server using a Custom Business Operation (SQL Outbound Adapter).

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We are in the process of upgrading to 2023.1 for InterSystems Health Connect, and the Business Rule Engine editor is very difficult to use compared to 2022.1. It's difficult to scan over the rules as it all looks the same style with barely any distinction between rules, constraints, conditions, whens etc. There's also tonnes of whitespace, and searching on the page is hit and miss (using Ctrl + F) . I can see the previous editor is still available when you modify the URL, but I'm wondering if we can set it to be the default editor, and if this is something supported.

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Hi Community,

We are trying to filter message created using custom xml class in a business rule.

HL7 ORU Result messages are converted to custom xml messages with a list properties .Result ORU converted to OrderResultMsg , which contains property Orders as list of Order which contains ResultStatus . Please see below the class extract. We are trying to access the ResultStatus property to filter non-final results via business rule.

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· Jul 27, 2023
Rule logic

In an HL7 Business rule I am trying to block ONLY ORM messages that have a PV1:3.4 of 105 or 205 and a OBR:4 value of EP22 or CATH01.

I created the logic below but it appears to be evaluating the two fields independently instead of combined?

Here is what I had.

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Had an issue on Friday where a vendor added an additional field in the middle of a row of one of our record maps. This threw the mapping off when I take the record and try to map it into HL7 and caused massive amounts of errors in our EMR because the data was wrong.

Is there a way that I can add validation on the Business Service to say if the fields are off to fail, stop, and alert on the Business Service?

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0 216

Hi all,

I'm wondering if is possible to call to a BO from a HL7 Route according to a parameter of the HL7 Message

I mean,

According to the identify of the laboratory, I want to call to other TCP process to retrieve information about blood tests.

We are creating the BO using this partern.

LAB.BO.TCP. + name of the laboratory.

The name of the laboratory is stoted in the lookup table T_LABORATORIOS

I've tried to assign the name into a variable and put it in the "send" instruction, but it doesn't work.

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0 230

I know there is the ability to enable Rule Sets within a Business Rule by dates, but what about Sub-Rules or just Rules in general? We have an upcoming go-live that is at Midnight and I was wondering if there was a way I could script out enabling rules/sub-rules within a Business Rule to save my team some time and headaches. Or is the best practice is just to create another rule for the go-live, then move it over once we are live...

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0 266

Hello ALL!

I am having trouble fining a way to derive (a list, an array, a file doesnt matter yet how it returns) ALL of the targets of a routing rule.

For example lets say I have:

  • a router of class: EnsLib.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine
  • Business Rule: HappyRRN
  • 1 rule set having 5 rules that each send to 1 DTL and 1 Operation (5 targets total)

My intent is to use some utlities we have created to disable all of the target operations of this router if the router errors out.

To do that I need the list of target operations.

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