I found the best approach was with pythonbind:
import intersys.pythonbind3 as pyb
url = "localhost"
userName= "???"
def main():
conn = pyb.connection()
version = conn.get_implementation_version()
conn.connect_now(f'[{url}][{port}]:%SYS', userName, password,None)
# Create objects used to access cache/iris
db = pyb.database(conn)
qry = pyb.query (db)
obj = pyb.object(db)
With the connection handle and the db, qry, obj objects you can use the methods and classes to access any database item in the cache database
Ok, trying to isolate my syntax error. I have re-reviewed the class specs but I am not seeing an issue. I have this:
allocated = 0
used = 0
db = "/data/testdb/"
global = "STRELPERF"
# Set args to pass by reference
list = [db,global,allocated,used]
# exec the class method to get the global size
res = self.db.run_class_method("%Library.GlobalEdit", "GetGlobalSize",list)
This is the call that returns the failure status of res(0,). The associated error text is :
ERROR #00: (no error description)
Since for other databases that do not contain the global I get the error:
ERROR #308: Global STRELPERF not found.
It seems that code clip is close but something that I am not seeing is missing. Any help would be appreciated.
I resolved this issue. Permissions were incorrect on the new device. Missed this when reviewing the issue. Fixed the device permissions, shutdown the instance, updated the cache.cpf file, and re-started the instance