15+ experience with InterSystems products, in different sizes of projects, different countries, and different fields except for healthcare.
The support for NodeJS in IRIS is quite primitive and limited to only native functions, globals, methods, no SQL
check in IRIS folder, what do you have installed with IRIS for nodejs
I don't have windows, only docker, and in my case
/usr/irissys/bin/iris1200.node /usr/irissys/bin/iris800.node /usr/irissys/bin/iris1600.node /usr/irissys/bin/iris1400.node /usr/irissys/bin/iris1000.node /usr/irissys/dev/nodejs/intersystems-iris-native/bin/lnxubuntuarm64/irisnative.node
If you want to use IRIS SQL from nodejs, you can try my package, which you can install with npm
npm install intersystems-iris
const { IRIS } = require("intersystems-iris");
async function main() {
const db = new IRIS('localhost', 1972, 'USER', '_SYSTEM', 'SYS')
let res = await db.sql("select 1 one, 2 two")
await db.close()
It's quite simple at the moment, only supports SQL with no parameters, but should work I believe
I'm not familiar with HL7 processing, but I suppose should be like this
set $list(list, * + 1) = <field>
if you need to create list, than $list on the left side, with *+1 as position, to add to this list, and the right side, any value you would like to add to the list

I think you just confusing $listbuild with list in BPL context. In BPL when you define it as List Collection, it will use class %Collection.ListOfDT, or in case of array it will be %Collection.ArrayOfDT
That means, that you should use
if 'context.Facilities.Find(##class(Ens.Rule.FunctionSet).SubString(context.EpicDepartmentID,1,4)) { do context.Facilities.Insert(##class(Ens.Rule.FunctionSet).SubString(context.EpicDepartmentID,1,4)) }