
We have a global with 65 million entries. All we are doing is just iterating through each entry to find out the total no of entries. It is currently taking 110 minutes. Is this something normal? What can we do to speed up this process? Below is the program for just iterating each entry in the global.

s sub=" ,count=0
s sub=$o(^YYY(sub)) q:sub=""
s count= count +1
w!, "Total Count:"_ count

3 19
1 480

I am familiar with $TEXT which can get you any line in the current routine provided you know the offset. For example, $T(+1) will get you the first line of the current routine at the run time. In the same vein, how do I reference the current line number/offset at the run time? Something like $T(+$CURRENTLINENUMBER) where $CURRENTLINENUMBER is not yet known to me function. The sample below would write 3 as the line number.

S A=1

1 13
1 474

Good morning
Thank you for taking the time to read this issue.

In interoperability environments, in what way is it recommended to monitor and detect changes in Web Production components between environments, for example between Pre-Production and Production, or even between alternate Nodes of Production Mirrors?

We ask this question in order to find out what are the best practices, and what is the most methodical, systematic, simple, robust and secure way to perform this monitoring.

1 19
0 451


I'm using CircleCI to spin up the image `store/intersystems/irishealth-community:2021.2.0.649.0`.

When building the application we are getting messages that say:

ERROR #5373: Class 'EnsLib.HL7.Message', used by 'Package.Class', does not exist
Skip class Package.Class

Other missing classes seem to include, but not limited to:


0 19
0 396

Is it possible to retrieve the SQL-Executing process ID (PID) from a process spawned from a UNION %PARALLEL? I have a value set in the SQL-Executing process that I need to replicate in the UNION %PARALLEL spawned process(es). The SQL-Executing process writes the value to a global subscripted by its PID so determining the SQL-Executing PID from the spawned process is what I need. I expected $ZPARENT from the spawned process would hold the SQL-Executing PID but the PID returned is different.

With thanks,

Michael Hill

0 11
0 396
· Sep 12, 2023
Scoping OID / OREF map

It's a feature of ObjectScript (perhaps widely known, perhaps not) that if you open the same object ID multiple times, you end up with the same OREF. For example:

USER>set obj1 = ##class(Sample.Person).%OpenId(1)
USER>set obj2 = ##class(Sample.Person).%OpenId(1)

USER>w obj1,!,obj2

Generally speaking, this is an important feature - you won't end up accidentally modifying the same record via multiple paths and losing some of the changes.

2 10
2 354

Hi everyone,

Lately, I've been spending a lot of time with Visual Studio Code (VSC), and I've been wondering if there's a terminal or a panel within VSC that acts like the Intersystems Studio Output panel, which serves both as an input and output window and allows the execution of ObjectScript commands.

Could anyone help? Thanks :)

1 11
1 348
· Aug 17, 2023
ICMP/Ping with ObjectScript

Is it possible to "Ping" a remote host in IRIS for Health using ObjectScript? We host hundreds of TCP connections over hundreds of VPNs. I'm working on a project that would make it nice to have way to ping remove clients over the VPN to monitor connectivity and keep the tunnels alive.

Another thought/method would be to make an OS system call (AWS Linux), but I don't see a way to do that either.

1 9
1 328

Hello everyone,

I am looking for the syntax or the way to use a class created in the "BNA" Namespace (my application) from the %SYS Namespace.

Here is the context:

I have a "BNA" application contained in the "BNA" NS, this application provides a user creation functionality. This feature creates both the user in a table in the application and in the Iris system.

0 9
0 320

We have JSON type data in a Dynamic Object. Is there a simple way to export / dump that data to a delimited string or file?


Results={"ClassA":{"ClassName":"ClassA","ACount":367191880,"BCount":367191880,"CurrentDiff":0,"PreviousDiff":0,"ReportDate":"2024-03-02 00:00:00"}
"ClassB":{"ClassName":"ClassB","ACount":5352149227,"BCount":5352149227,"CurrentDiff":0,"PreviousDiff":0,"ReportDate":"2024-03-02 00:00:00"}}

0 6
0 292
· Dec 4, 2023
Storage %SYSTEM.Event

Hello, How are you doing?

I'm currently developing a proyect in wich I want to use %SYSTEM.Event to process queues. I realized that if a queue has events pending to be sent to the listeners, when I restart the cube the queue with all its events are deleted.

Is there a way to store the queue with their messages in a Global?

I've checked the documentation but I can't find any option for this prupose.

0 10
0 290

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