· Mar 22, 2023

Patient Index Patient merge not updating worklist items

Hi Community,

There are two records of the same patient coming from the same source and when they are merged from the source they are not updating Health Information Exchange. I have blurred crucial information and the records are not falling off the worklist items after a merge from the source system.

The two records from the same source are in the middle section and the right section.


Product version: IRIS 2020.2
$ZV: HealthShare 2020.2 [HealthShare Modules: Active Analytics:20.0.8620 + Core:20.0.8620 + Patient Index:20.0.8620] - IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2020.1 (Build 217_1_20418U) Tue Nov 17 2020 15:48:44 EST
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