· Mar 21, 2023

How Can I get user details by email property?

I know it is possible get the user using ##class(Security.Users).Get("username"), but I need to get a user by your email. How Can I get a user by email?

Product version: IRIS 2022.3
Discussion (1)1
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Hey Yuri.

The users are held within the SQL table "Security.Users" in the %SYS namespace, so you could use embedded sql to return the information, however as you're unlikely to be executing your code directly from the %SYS namespace, I'd suggest creating a function that you pass the email address, and it returns the username.

Something like:

Class Demo.Utils.General.Users

ClassMethod UserFromEmail(Email As %String, Output Username As %String) As %Status
	//Initially set this to null, as we want to return it empty when we get no results
	Set Username = ""
	//Hold the Namespace within a variable so we can use the variable to set the namespace back once the SQL has been run.
	Set CurrNamespace = $NAMESPACE
	//Change NameSpace to %SYS
	//Run query to get the Username based on the email address - note the use of the UPPER function to remove issues with case sensitivity
	Select ID into :Username
	FROM Security.Users
	WHERE UPPER(EmailAddress) = UPPER(:Email)
	//Set namespace back to the namespace the function was run from
	Set $NAMESPACE = CurrNamespace
	//Evaluate SQLCODE for result
	//Less than 0 is an error.
		QUIT 0
	//Greater than 0 can really only mean Code 100, which is no results found.
	If SQLCODE > 0 {
		QUIT 1 //No Result Found
	Else {
		QUIT 1 //Result Found

DEMO> WRITE Class(Demo.Utils.General.Users).UserFromEmail("YuriMarx@ACME.XYZ",.Output)


This is by no means perfect as I have thrown it together for the example - please forgive the messy if/else's! smiley