We recently changed the 'UserID" property in a "User" class from type of %String to be %Library.Username. This is for better consistency across our codebase regarding MAXLEN limit.
%Library.Username is a system wrapper datatype which extends %String and has a MAXLEN of 160. This change should have minimal/no impact on code behavior. However, we found that some SQL query cannot return expected rows after the change. Query will return empty values even if the entry is in the table.
You may have noticed that to configure a mirror for InterSystems IRIS for Health™ and HealthShare® Health Connect there is a special requirement. I wanted to go through it step by step in this article.
The rename of all has worked fine. When I've tried to access to the portal, it is no available, displaying the message "Tha namespace SRV-LABORATORIO does not support productions"
Is there anyway to delete a task if the namespace associated with task is already deleted?
We have a custom purge task which is associated with an old namespace( which is already deleted) . All the option in the task details are now disabled. Is there anyway to update it or delete it?
I have the class ConfigUtils.ConfigSettingsTable, which is a persistent object. I know I need to map packages from the original namespace. In this case, I have mapped ConfigUtils.ConfigSettingsTable from the originating namespace (IRISTST database) across all other namespaces.
Currently we are exploring how we can allocate additional disk space to our current environment as we have seen a significant increase in growth of our Database files. Currently we have 3 namespaces, all with 1 IRIS.dat each that contains both the Global and Routines.
Since we have started down the route of everything within a single IRIS.dat file for each namespace, is it logical as we see growth to be able to split the current IRIS.dat for each namespace into a separate IRIS.dat for global and a IRIS.dat with for routines for each namespace in a Mirror environment?
Recently, I have noticed Scott Roth's mission to resolve issues with Orphaned messages with a lot of focus on prevention, and I envy that level of dedication.
The Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) is a simple calling convention for web servers to forward requests to web applications or frameworks written in the Python programming language. WSGI is a Python standard described in detail in PEP 3333.
🤔 Ok, great definition and what the point with iris ?
I am trying to locate a method that would allow me to differentiate between InterSystems preinstalled/system namespaces and "our own" namespaces. I am interested both in Cache and Iris answers if they are different. Yes, I can list what to disregard, like if not HSLIB or if not DOCBOOK but hoping for a more universal and elegant answer.
My VSCode folder was set up to connect to a namespace, but the namespace was deleted. I tried changing the namespace from the menu but it fails (could not retrieve list of namespaces), but I do get the following error message:
Is there a sensible approach to having a lookup table in Namespace A, and then accessing this from Namespaces B, C, D (etc)?
I'm trying to avoid creating a Global mapping of the lookup table global (^Ens.LookupTable) as I fear that it would then link all other lookups in that global and lead to some unexpected behaviour, but would be open to trying something in this realm if it's the best option.
There is a Link Procedure Wizard option within the Management Portal (System > SQL >Wizards > Link Procedure) which I had reliability issues with so I decided to use this solution instead.
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a free source code editor made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux, and macOS. It provides built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and Node.js. You can add extensions to provide support for numerous other languages including ObjectScript.
The InterSystems extensions enable you to use VS Code to connect to an InterSystems IRIS server and develop code in ObjectScript. The Visual Studio Code Documentation is an excellent resource on VS Code, so it is a good idea to be familiar with it.
I am looking for the syntax or the way to use a class created in the "BNA" Namespace (my application) from the %SYS Namespace.
Here is the context:
I have a "BNA" application contained in the "BNA" NS, this application provides a user creation functionality. This feature creates both the user in a table in the application and in the Iris system.
I just realized that for the latest version of IRIS for Health 2023.3 the method InstallFoundation from HS.HC.Util.Installer has just disappear. I checked the official documentation (here) but I can't find any reference to it like in previous versions (here).
We have a developed a new version of a production, all the code is new and has changed BP. This application load information for some brands and stored in database.
The customer wants to implement the changes only for some brands because he wants to check for small brands before to implement for all brands.
My proposal is create a new namespace, with the new code, and disabled all load of brands except the brand that he wants to check.
I'm wondering what is the best way to clone the namespace.
I have been struggling with a docker run command that kept crashing, the error message was too generic to point me to the right direction.
Since the container is shut down after the failure, I was unable to login to it in order to figure out the problem.
I had to run the container in a way that I'll be able to log into it before it crashed, so I found the adding -u false prevents the docker run command to run the iris session IRIS and the container stayed up and running. then I was able to log into it using:
Our application needs to create system users from a request form.
To use Security classes, it is necessary to have rights to use the %SYS namespace, which is not the case for users who validate requests.
It is not desirable for these users to have this role permanently, so I proceeded as follows:
I created a facade class for the Security.Users, Security.Roles, Security.Resources classes which allows me to log in with an authorized user on the NS %SYS
K9s is a terminal-based UI (aka kubectl clown suit), to manage Kubernetes clusters that drastically simplifies navigating, observing, and managing your applications in K8s, including Custom Resources like the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator (IKO) and ArgoCD Applications. If you are about to take your CKD, CKA, or CKS, leave k9s well enough alone for awhile as the abstraction to kubectl will become the standard for navigating the cluster and you will undoubtedly become estranged to the extended flags of kubectl and bomb the exam.
Currently I have a program that is going to be used to compare global nodes between namespaces. Using nested FOR statements I am stepping through global nodes and comparing between the namespaces, if the global values are different I then parse the node comparing each delimited segment.
This is working.
I want to now be able to set what global I am in as a variable to expand on this concept.
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I have created a global say ^myglobal and entered some data. I am storing the name of global in databases and fetching the name based on some criteria. I am getting "^myglobal" in return from databases but i am not able to fetch the data I stored in the global.
I tried set var = result.global which gives me "^myglobal" in var. Doing WRITE var will return "^myglobal" and not the data i stored in this global.
I want to fetch value from a global without being limited by the namespace. Is there any way of referencing the values from a global to a different namespace?