
In today's rapidly evolving threat landscape, organizations deploying mission-critical applications must implement robust security architectures that protect sensitive data while maintaining high availability and performance. This is especially crucial for enterprises utilizing advanced database management systems like InterSystems IRIS, which often powers applications handling highly sensitive healthcare, financial, or personal data.

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While upgrading old Ensemble and Health Connect applications to V 2024.1 we are installing many webgateways since the private webserver is deprecated.

Configuring the "Default Parameters" we can determine the "Event Log Rotation Size" but not the count of preserved logfiles. So even if the webgateway cuts the logs in pieces they could fill up the disk space entirely for there seems to be no cleanup-job for old logfiles.

What is the recommended way to deal with this situation?

Do I have to create a schduled job on OS-level?

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In the WRC, we frequently see customers contact us because their Web Gateway is unable to serve web pages. This article will explain a frequent reason why these errors can occur, and explain some tools which can be used to debug the problem. This explanation is focused on the Web Gateway serving InterSystems IRIS instances, but the same explanation should apply to the CSP Gateway serving Caché instances as well.

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Hello Community,

we're running an Iris installation on SLES 15.5 using the SLES Apache server and web gateway for hosting the management portal on Port 57772 (e.g. http://<host-name>:57772/csp/sys/%25CSP.Portal.Home.zen?$NAMESPACE=HL7TOFHIR) on the same machine. The Iris installation also provides a FHIR Server in a separate namespace which uses the base URL http://<host-name>:57772/fhir/r4 for connections.

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· Feb 7, 2024 2m read
Splitting access by WebServer port

Recently, I needed to run WebGateway on an additional port but with a twist - this port should publish only one web application.
At first, I thought about configuring Web Gateway to allow only specific web applications (~urls), but Web Gateway configuration is per Apache configuration:

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Good morning dear community,

This is like my first post in this community. Let's see how this turns out.
I have a question about the Intersystems Kubernetes Operator and the deployment of the webgateways.

I am responsible for the hosting and deployment of the apps. For the future we are planning to host our application in a kubernetes cluster. I am using the IKO for this.
I am using webgateways, for external access as separate pods. And sidecar containers for internal access, like the management portal.

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I just restarted an AWS instance that have been dormant for 6 months (license still valid) only to find that the web application on there doesn't work and that I cannot connect to the management portal. I can however connect to the web gateway fine but it reports the "Server is currently unavailable".

Grateful any for any advice.

Fred Gustafsson

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Is it possible to use one IIS server to configure Webgateway and external Webserver for management portal when implementing synchronous mirroring with VIP i.e Is it necessary to have two mirror servers(primary and Backup) , one Arbiter server, one Webserver for Webgateway and a sperate webserver for management portal?

If anyone can please point to any documentation on Mirroring with Webgateway and external webserver for management portal will be really helpful.

Thank you for your help

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We recently moved from using the Private Web Server, to using an Apache/Web Gateway setup and moved towards using the built in LDAP functionality within IRIS. Since then, we have 1 user that uses VSCode (/api/atelier) heavily that continues to have issues signing into IRIS through VS Code and the /api/atelier extension.

I am trying to troubleshoot two issues..

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I'm migration an existing integration to InterSystems. The upstream (external) system calls a JSON web service hosted in the interface engine, which converts the JSON data received to a HL-7 messages to send to the downstream system. I'm looking for direction and example of how to do the equivalent in InterSystems, so the the upstream system only has to modify the URL of the web service they call.

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We are experimenting with IIS, as the PWS will be gone in newer versions.

The code which is executed, takes 15ms to run. If we execute it through PWS (REST), there is some overhead and the total execution time is 40ms, which is acceptable. However, if we go through IIS, it takes 150ms or sometimes even more.

Both PWS and IIS are running on the same server as IRIS in this case. No optimisations have been done on IIS.

Any suggestions on where to look/what to optimize on IIS?

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I am attempting to configure an inbound service that utilizes the EnsLib.SOAP.GenericService class. This service receives HL7-v3 content wrapped in SOAP requests. Despite reading the documentation on configuring SOAP services, I am still confused.

In my current configuration item "Fr_Centrak_RTLS", I have ‘Enable Standard Requests’ checked, ‘Pool Size’ set to 0, and the port is unspecified.

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· Apr 30, 2024 3m read
mg_web for ObjectScript Developers

A few weeks ago I posted an announcement about a JavaScript-based interface for our mg_web WebServer interfacing addon module. mg_web isn't just restricted to use by JavaScript developers though. Many readers will be ObjectScript developers who are more used to using CSP as their web gateway. Some may even have much older legacy WebLink-based applications (and be wondering how to support them given that IRIS does not support WebLink).

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· Apr 5, 2024
Introducing mg_web

Hot on the heels of our announcement last week about our ultra-high-performance mg-dbx-napi JavaScript interface for IRIS, we are now pleased to announce a significant new technology - mg_web - which not only represents a new paradigm for JavaScript Web Frameworks, but also delivers significantly higher performance than even the fastest of the established Node.js Web Frameworks, whilst leveraging all the benefits of the big-three industry-standard Web Servers.

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You may have heard about our mg-dbx-napi interface for IRIS which provides insanely fast access from Node.js. If you've been following recent developments in the server-side JavaScript world, you'll be excited to know that mg-dbx-napi also works with Bun.js, the latter proving to be significantly faster than Node.js for many/most purposes.

Of course, if you're a Node.js user, you'll probably wonder how mg-dbx-napi compares with the Native API for Node.js that is included with IRIS.

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As an IT and cloud team manager with 18 years of experience with InterSystems technologies, I recently led our team in the transformation of our traditional on-premises ERP system to a cloud-based solution. We embarked on deploying InterSystems IRIS within a Kubernetes environment on AWS EKS, aiming to achieve a scalable, performant, and secure system. Central to this endeavor was the utilization of the AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) as our ingress controller.

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I am fairly new to using Docker, and instead of trying to get IIS, a Web Gateway, and Docker desktop working within my Windows environment, I thought I would try running it in a WSL2 Ubuntu environment since this is similar to how use it on my server. I have installed Apache and the Web Gateway on my WSL2 Ubuntu.

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· Mar 19, 2019 9m read
A Tutorial On WebSockets


Most server-client communication on the web is based on a request and response structure. The client sends a request to the server and the server responds to this request. The WebSocket protocol provides a two-way channel of communication between a server and client, allowing servers to send messages to clients without first receiving a request. For more information on the WebSocket protocol and its implementation in InterSystems IRIS, see the links below.

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