Hi Developers!

We are introducing a new feature on Dev Community site – Key Questions by InterSystems Developers.

We've added a new special #Key Question tag to highlight questions related to InterSystems Data Platforms considered as having the biggest impact.

Each month InterSystems Experts will choose such questions, and those authors will be awarded with all the honours!

What honours? Details in this post!

4 6
0 546

Hi Community,

I am receiving a JSON file as input in ensemble and i need to convert the JSON message to HL7 message.

Can anyone share few points how to read a JSON file into Ensemble production by creating a Custom Business service?

I have created a custom business service as below but i am not aware which parameters i need to pass in OnProcessInput method?

3 14
0 950

I have a situation where I have a handful of classes which I need to copy to another Namespace (which uses a different RoutineDB) on the same instance, load it and compile it.

Can anyone help me come up with a command that will do this quickly and easily? Perhaps something with extended reference?

This is somewhat time sensitive so thank you in advance for your ideas!

0 23
0 721

I have a table, with autoincremented id

    name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

I can add a new item there with an explicit id

INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES (2, 'fred')

And while my id is autoincremented, I can omit it

INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES ('ed')

So, this time, I don't know the id, and I want to somehow get it.

I could do it with LAST_IDENTITY() function, but it just uses %RowID, and have no relation to the primary id

0 11
0 659

This is not an issue in ObjectScript, due to its typeless nature. But it's essential for external programming languages that care a bit more about types of variables.

And in any case, it's still reproducible in ObjectScript. I have table

CREATE TABLE some_table (
        id INTEGER NOT NULL, 
        x INTEGER, 
        y INTEGER, 
        z VARCHAR(50), 
        PRIMARY KEY (id)

And data

INSERT INTO some_table (id, x, y, z) VALUES (1, 1, 2, 'z1');
INSERT INTO some_table (id, x, y, z) VALUES (2, 2, 3, 'z2');
INSERT INTO some_table (id, x, y, z) VALUES (3, 3, 4, 'z3');
INSERT INTO some_table (id, x, y, z) VALUES (4, 4, 5, 'z4');

1 11
0 625

Hi folks!

How can I change the production setting programmatically?

I have a production that is a solution that uses some api-keys, which are the parameters of Business Operations but of course cannot be hard-coded into the source code.

E.g. here is the example of such a production that runs a connection of Telegram and ChatGPT.

And it can be installed as:

zpm "install telegram-gpt"

But now one needs to setup the key manually before using the production, having the following setting:

I'd like to set up it programmatically so one could install it as:

zpm "install telegram-gpt -D Token=sometoken"

How can I make it work?

0 18
0 621

When I try to run Interoperability -> Interface Maps in 2022.1 on a very large namespace, I keep getting timeout errors. Even though I add filtering by Category, Text Search, etc... it still errors out no matter what. However if it is ran in one of our smaller namespaces it runs just fine. WRC told us the namespace is too big, however that should not matter on how many services, processes, and operations you have running.

1 18
0 619

We are upgrading from Health Connect 2018.1.3 to IRIS Health Connect 2022.1, and one thing that we are particularly hesitant about is if our Business Rules will work in the new version.

I am trying to come up with a testing process for bulk testing our rules, and wanted to know if this could be done programmatically instead of having to modify all the Business Operations to have them write the HL7 data to a file. I caught Orlando Health's presentation at GS2022 but I am not sure that will work for my team.

1 10
3 608

Hi folks!

Have a question for those who are masters of interoperability.

I have a basic task of having one CSV with some data. I need to transform one column in the initial dataset and get the new csv with the same form.

What's the best approach with Interoperability?

Should I user record mapper?

Should I use streams, objects?

What is the best practice?

0 12
0 577

I am doing a HL7 data transformation with object script but need to only write a substring from the first "(" of the NTE-3 field to the end.


Input: NTE|1|||Some text (HI) (321)|ABC

Desired Output: NTE|1|||(HI) (321)|ABC

Basically I'd like to delete "Some text ".

If I were writing a shell script I would use sed 's/^.*(/(/' with perhaps a modification to get only the first.

I use the function wizard but can't seem to get the right code.

0 9
0 555

Hi folks!

Those who actively use unittests with ObjectScript know that they are methods of instance but not classmethods.

Sometimes this is not very convenient. What I do now if I face that some test method fails I COPY(!) this method somewhere else as classmethod and run/debug it.

Is there a handy way to call the particular unittest method in terminal? And what is more important, a handy way to debug the test method?

Why do we have unittest methods as instance methods?

1 25
0 528

Ran into an issue with our upgrade from HealthShare Health Connect 2018.1.3 to IRIS HealthShare Health Connect 2022.1, that I thought I would reach out about, I already have a ticket open with WRC and started a chat on Discord. We have a couple of MS SQL tables that I have setup as Linked Tables within Cache to query NPI, Patient Account Information, Visit information, etc... When we upgraded last week we found that within a day or even a half a day that we were having problems with our JDBC connections.

0 19
0 525

How do we trigger a BPL Business Process on a time schedule?

We are building a production that takes a steady stream of (HL7) lab results messages, processes them and stores them in a temporary database table. At scheduled points during the day (eg 0800, 1300, 1600) the database is queried and messages sent on to the downstream system. Aiming that the Processes to be implemented in BPL if possible - but we are having trouble triggering code in a BPL as a scheduled job.

0 12
0 512

We're looking to create a quick and simple test to see if all firewalls are open on 1972 between a linux based web server VM and a VM running InterSystems IRIS. Does anyone have any ideas for a quick command that can be run from UNIX console that will provide confirmation that traffic is able to get to 1972 on an IRIS machine?

BTW - I don't think it makes any difference but the IRIS machine is running Windows

0 19
0 501