
I'd like to know if there are any issues if an index is inserted into a table without running the %BuildIndices() method.

It's important to note that data inserted before the index is not important for retrieval, so it's not a problem data inserted before the index don't show up in queries.

The reason why I'm asking this is that I'd like to avoid index reconstruction on big tables which I need to inser such index.

I'm using Cache 2018.1.



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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,565 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Register for our free NLP webinar to learn how to accelerate your data interpretation workflow.

Key learnings from the webinar:

✔️How we connect OMICs layers and text in your research,

✔️How to link your data to multiple knowledge domains using a single simple notebook,

✔️How our API Functions and digital notebooks can support your NLP and OMICs data interpretation to extend your workflows,

2 0
0 427

We have a stored procedure with one input parameter and one input/output parameter.

declare @hl7message nvarchar(max) = 'Pass the hl7 message here',
@output nvarchar(max);

EXEC sp_InsertHl7 @hl7message, @outputresult = @output OUTPUT;
print @output;

@output value will be "Pass" or "Fail"

Below code is inserting the HL7 successfully into the target DB, but not returning the output value as expected.

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I am new to this forum. So please let me know if this is not the place to post these questions.

I have heard from some previous Intersystems presentations that FHIR profile validation before posting to FHIR server (using $validate) would be available in IRIS for Health. How do I confirm if this functionality is available and if so, on which version of IRIS?


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0 266

Hey Developers,

Good news! One more upcoming in-person event is nearby.

We're pleased to invite you to join "J On The Beach", an international rendezvous for developers and DevOps around Big Data technologies. A fun conference to learn and share the latest experiences, tips & tricks related to Big Data technologies, and, the most important part, it’s On The Beach!

🗓 April 27-29, 2022

📍Málaga, Spain

This year, InterSystems is a Gold Sponsor of the JOTB.

We're more than happy to invite you and your colleagues to our InterSystems booth for a personal conversation. As always, there will be some surprises on it... 😁

2 0
0 411

Hey Developers,

Get an introduction to the new template editor. In this video, we'll also tell you about recent use cases:

Update on Intelligent Chart Review

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We've been tasked with developing a file upload module as part of our wider system, storing scanned documents against a patients profile. Our Intersystems manager suggested storing those files in the DB as streams would be the best approach and it sounded like a solid idea, it can be encrypted, complex indexes, optimized for large files and so on. However the stake holder questioned why would we want to do that over storing them in windows folders and that putting it in the DB was nuts.

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2 1.1K

Hello Community,

I am still pretty new to Ensemble, Cashé, or ObjectScript. My question is this how can I tell when a file was finished and read fully? Currently, I have an EnsLib.FilePassthroughService reads a file from a designated file path and moves it to an archive file path. I need to set up an alert or a notification that can tell me once the file has been read in its entirety and has been moved out of its current file path.

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I have a few Radio buttons, some of which have to have the same value. I need to know which one the user have selected, so I am using text, however it does not work well so far.

I have 4 Radio buttons: Apple, Pear, Lemon and Orange, with values: Apple, Pear have Value 1, and Lemon and Orange have Value of 2
(this unfortunatelly cannot be changed for this particular application)

I need to figure out that the user picked specifically Apple, so I am using text as follows:

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0 164

Hello communty.

I searched a way to transform a HL7 Message to Persistent. I found a way how to create Data Transformation from Mangment Portal -> Data Transformation Interface. But my task is to create somthing similar to that tool in my web site interface. And the question is: Is There way to create something like new instance of Data Transformation class " Ens.DataTransformDTL" using object script?

Thank you!

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· Apr 2, 2022
Subscript with double quoted

Hi Team,

I would like to save the array subscript with in double quotes

eg sub1=111,sub2=444 (these values are dynamic)

set array(sub1,sub2)=""

It will be saved as array(111,444)=""

but I want to save it as array("111","444")=""

I am trying to save it from the class like """"_sub1_"""" but its not displaying as expected.

Kindly do the need full.

Thanks in Advance

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