· Dec 8, 2022 1m read

Privileged Routine Applications (PRA) and $ROLES After

When creating a PRA (Privileged Routine Application; which by the way is not relevant just for Routines but also for Classes/Methods), it is important to make sure you include a new $ROLES, before calling AddRoles(). For example:

 new $ROLES
 set status=$System.Security.AddRoles("MyPrivilegedRoutineApplication")

This way you ensure that indeed the added (elevated) roles "evaporate" for the User running this code, once the User is out of the scope of that routine/method.

[Thank you @Andreas Dieckow for validating this]

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Great find, Tani!

You can also use the same trick to remove roles temporarily (for example if you need to execute untrusted code):

Class User.Role

/// do ##class(User.Role).Test()
ClassMethod Test()
    do ..SecurityContext("Test before")
    . new $roles
    . do ##class(%SYSTEM.Security).Login("UnknownUser") // has no roles
    . do ..Untrusted()

    do ..SecurityContext("Test after")

ClassMethod Untrusted()
    do ..SecurityContext("Untrusted")

ClassMethod SecurityContext(context)
    w "Context: ", context, !
    w "Roles: ", $roles, !
    w "User: ", $username, !, !


Produces this output:

Context: Test before
Roles: %All
Context: Untrusted
User: UnknownUser
Context: Test after
Roles: %All