We are doing healthcare interface development.

Developers have Ensemble installed locally on their laptops - code will be developed locally then deployed to integration, test/UAT and ultimately production servers in due course.

One of the other applications we are developing around happens to utilise an Iris desktop client to a remote Iris server. We want to have the application available on the developers laptops alongside the local Ensemble instance.

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn about InterSystems Startup Program and hear lightning pitches from startups innovating with InterSystems technology:

Startup Showcase - Lightning Pitches @ Global Summit 2023

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I had a question about using ZSTART, ZSTOP, and ZMIRROR.

  • If we use them and it is not correct, does it mess up with any of the existing functionality?
  • So, if I create a ZSTART with a simple command of starting the %JDBC Server will that mess up anything existing in the Startup sequence?
  • Is ZSTART, ZSTOP, and ZMIRROR just an extension of the existing functionality, or does it alter how the built in functionality runs?
  • Should we tread lightly in the use of them?
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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Caelestinus 2023 – Final DEMO Day

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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

InterSystems Startup Accelerator Pitching Sessions @ Global Summit 2022

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In this article, we'd like to describe Med.me's incubation experience and takeaways, the cross-organizational booking problem, and our approach to solving it.

This exciting story started during one of the regular medtech meetups, where I met @Evgeny Shvarov, senior InterSystems chief of the Developer Community. Following the good old startup rule “pitch wherever you can”, I briefly explained to Evgeny Med.me concept – EHR exchange and appointment scheduling platform to automate and simplify communication between clinics, pharma on one hand and insurance companies, doctors, and patients on the other.

Evgeny listened carefully and replied that InterSystems provides plenty of products to solve the interoperability problems amongst the vast variety of EMRs and kindly advised me to hurry up to apply to the FHIR incubator Caelestinus powered by InterSystems.

That led to a start of an amazing 9-months long road where we were able to ramp up our understanding of interoperability, participate at the InterSystems Global Summit, find new customers and partners, and where the new concept of Resource Availability Exchange was born.

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Hi Community,

The day has arrived — InterSystems FHIR Healthtech Incubator Caelestinus Final Demo Day, November 30, 2022!

We started Caelestinus 8 months ago in March with 22 outstanding teams. Today 15 teams will pitch what they have achieved so far and their message to the market!

I’m pleased to invite everyone to InterSystems FHIR Health Tech incubator Caelestinus Demo Day, which will happen in a hybrid online/offline mode: you can watch pitches online via www.caelestinus.tech starting at 2 p.m. CET or go in-person in IKEM — Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, the largest Czech medical research and clinical hospital.

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Hello everyone!

We are Longevica (https://www.longevica.com/) Healthtech, a Boston-based healthy aging digital health startup. Longevica was born as a research company back in 2009; we pioneered the screening of chemicals, which would drastically extend the life span. With 1000 screened pharmaceuticals and 20 000 mice experiments, we have identified specific compounds that, if taken daily, could extend life by years. This discovery leads to two questions: how to measure the effect of aging progress in real-time and how to make this a lifelong habit. This led us to the digital health market to create a new company Longevica HealthTech.

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Hi Community!

We’re so glad to announce that InterSystems FHIR startup incubator — Caelestinus held its first virtual Demo Day on June 29th!

16 startups have showed off their products and solutions built with InterSystems FHIR Server, or IRIS for Health or Health Connect to an audience of about 15 investors & partners.

The Demo Day is the result of a four-month journey — the equator of the incubator, in which startups have explored InterSystems tech, validated their ideas and presented it on the first Demo Day. In case you missed it, enjoy watching it on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

📣 The First Demo Day of InterSystems FHIR Startup Incubator — Caelestinus

Here is the list of presenters with pitch decks of the startups.

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