· Dec 9, 2022

Can ChatGPT be helpful to an developer using InterSystems technology?

After seeing several article raving about how ground-breaking the recent release of ChatGPT is, I thought I would try asking it to help with a Caché newbie question:  How do you find the version of InterSystems Caché?

To be honest, I was quite surprised at what the chat bot told me:

Not going to lie - I was impressed! I tried several other searches with regard to InterSystems IRIS version number and was told to use $zv.  I did a google search for part of the answer it gave me and I came up with zero results - this is synthesized information and not just copied and pasted from InterSystems docs (I couldn't find the string in our docs either).  

What do you want to try asking ChatGPT about technological know-how?   

12/11/22 UPDATE:

As is clear from the screenshot, I was playing with this on my phone and didn't properly vet the answer on an actual Caché instance.  I fell prey to the observation made in the article linked in the comments w.r.r. ChatGPT answers being banned from StackOverflow: "But Open AI also notes that ChatGPT sometimes writes "plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers."   "  So my respect for its technical answers has diminished a bit, but overall I am still rather impressed with the system as a whole and think it is a pretty big leap forward technologically.  Thanks for those who chimed in!!

Discussion (10)2
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To be honest, I was also impressed, but not about ChatGPT rather about the suggested solution!  I have no idea, who at ISC wrote this recommendation, but the five clicks on my IRIS-2021.1 end up in NOTHING. On the right-side panel I see 'System Information' but this can't be clicked, below is 'View System Dashboard', here you see everithing, except a version info. So dear ChatGPT, if someone asks you again, the (better) answer is:
- login to management portal
- click on 'About' (here you see the version and much much more)
This works for all IRIS versions (until now) and for all Cache versions which have a Management Portal. For the older (over 20 years) Cache versions right-click on the cube and select 'Config Manager' (on Windows, of course. In that times, I didn't worked on other platforms, hence no advices).

"I have no idea, who at ISC wrote this recommendation " - this is the whole point ... this wasn't written by anyone at ISC, but is inferred / synthesized / arrived at by the ChatGPT algorithm.  I did several google searched on strings from the result I was given and couldn't find this anywhere.  So ChatGPT isn't copying content, it is generating it ... albeit incorrectly in this case :)

Oh, this is a misunderstanding. I thought, the screenshot is coming from a (not showed) link, and anticipated the link points to some ISC site.
Anyway, ChatGPT and other ChatBots (nowadays, they often pop up on various sites, mainly on those of big companies) tries to mimic a human and often end up only with an reference to FAQs or with a wrong (inappropriate) answer.
They all base upon AI (some says: AI=artificial intelligence, others say: AI=absent intelligence). My bottom line is, AI is for some areas already "usable" and for others, it still "will require some more time".

You can't access the class name alone

write $system.Version          // is just a class name, something like
write ##class(SYSTEM.Version)  // (hence both lines gives you a syntax error)

You have to specify a property or a method. Because $System.Version is an abstract class, you can specify a method only

write $system.Version.GetVersion()

Hope this clarifies things

But the way that this IA understands and creates text is impressive, no doubts. I think this is something we'll learn how to deal with our daily tasks.

As the zdnet article says, Stack Overflow removes **temporarily**, so it may be a matter of time until we get handed by IA in our development tasks, with services like GitHub copilot.

So thank you for bringing this topic to discussion! smiley