· Nov 18, 2022

Upgrade Caché version

Hi everybody!

I'm new to a Caché world and need some help! Where I work we are running Cache 2016.1 version in a server, and 2018.1 in another server. I want to upgrade the version 2016.1 to 2018.1, but I fear it can raise some errors tha I cant resolve yet. My doubt is,  if I upgrade it will run ok?

Thanks in advance!

Product version: Caché 2016.1
Discussion (3)2
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Hi Tiago,

There is always a risk of getting errors after an upgrade, depending how your application uses Caché.
For example : your application could use custom data/code that is stored in the manager's database, and that database will be overwritten in the upgrade, so you will risk loosing data/code. (It is bad practice to store info there, but it is possible) 

Best is to contact the vendor/developers, and test the upgrade by copying the server to a test server and do the upgrade there.