Hello, dear colleagues.

I need to connect to a remote JavaGateway from an Ensemble service.

I am trying to use the EnsLib.JavaGateway.Service with a remote host where the JVM is running.

I can successfully ping the remote Java Gateway from EnsLib.JavaGateway.Service, and Ensemble reports that the service status is OK.

There are no network issues, and all necessary ports are accessible.

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Not sure there are many that connect to MS SQL to execute queries, stored procedures, etc, but our Healthsystem has many different MS SQL based databases we use within the Interoperability environment for various reasons.

With the push to moving from on-prem to the Cloud we ran into some difficulties with our SQL Gateway connections and knowing how to config them to use Microsoft Entra for Active Directory Authentication.

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As part of a migration project from a bunch of java classes to IRIS, we need to maintain a few jar files due to some external dependencies.

The problem I am seeing is that I cannot pass a byte array ( byte[] ) from ObjectScript to the Java Class. I have tried a number of different ways

I have reproduced in a java class and Objectscript class:
Java Class:

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· Nov 10, 2024 2m read
Java External Language Gateway

If you like Java and have a thriving Java ecosystem at work into which you need to incorporate IRIS, it's not a problem. Java External Language Gateway will do it seamlessly, almost. This gateway serves as a bridge between Java and Object Script in IRIS. You can create objects of Java classes in IRIS and call their methods. You just need a jar file to do this.

Connection diagram: proxy object <-> Gateway object <-> TCP/IP <-> External server <-> target object

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· Sep 22, 2024 5m read
Database Management Tool


Managing databases and performing CRUD operations are fundamental tasks for developers building data-driven applications. While many database management systems (DBMS) exist, they can be complex and cumbersome to interact with, especially when it comes to creating databases and tables, handling constraints, and performing real-time data operations through an API.

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· Sep 27, 2024 4m read
Inside Database Management Tool

In this article, we’ll dive into the inner workings of the database management tool, exploring the architecture and technologies that power it. Understanding how the application functions behind the scenes will give you insight into its design, how it manages databases, tables, and how the API interacts with data.

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Hi Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

High-Speed Ingestion Using InterSystems IRIS Persister with Java @ Global Summit 2023

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· Aug 19, 2024 4m read
Accessing Azure Blob Storage

Accessing an Azure cloud storage to upload/download blobs is quite easy using the designated %Net.Cloud.Storage.Client class API methods, or using the EnsLib.CloudStorage.* inbound/outbound adaptors.

Note that you'll need to have the %JavaServer External Language Server up and running to use the cloud storage API or adaptors, since they both use the PEX framework using the Java Server.

Here is a quick summary:

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I have a spring-boot Java application which has Quartz Scheduler (spring-boot-quartz-starter) dependency, and uses IRIS DB.
There is a problem with making Quartz Scheduler work with IRIS since there is a blob field expected in two tables, but IRIS is using longvarbinary type.
Can you provide me with clues on how to resolve this?

I am using org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate driverDelegateClass.

This is the error:
MisfireHandler: Error handling misfires: Couldn't retrieve trigger: invalid stream header: 41434544

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For example, I have two timestamp values ('2024-04-01 10:00:00', '2024-04-01 11:30:30'). I would like to find the difference between these two timestamps, and I need the result in hours:minutes:seconds (hh:mm:ss) format.

Expected Output: 01:30:30

Note: I need an SQL query command. I should not use ClassMethod, Function, or Stored Procedure.

Could anyone please provide me with an SQL query for my question?

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· Mar 14, 2024
IRIS Drivers with maven

Once again I would like to know, if there are any plans to make Java libraries available through normal channels like public mvnrepository, like the whole world it's doing, where anyone can find any JDBC driver to any database in the world but InterSystems.

Currently there is only some useless garbage. There are just very empty files. What was the point of posting it there?

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Has anyone noticed that when IRIS is forced down that the EnsLib.JavaGateway.Services do not properly shut down and release the ports? While we can write a shell script to kill the processes at the OS level, I was wondering if anyone experienced this issue.

We are working on our Mirroring setup/failover and had the team testing forcing the Primary down to make the Backup to become the Primary Server. When this happened and we failed back, IRIS could not restart the JavaGateway.Services because the ports were still in use.

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· Nov 27, 2023 4m read
What about DMN?

A few months ago, I faced a significant challenge: streamlining the handling of business logic in our application. My goal was to extract the business logic from the code and hand it over to analysts. Dealing with a multitude of rules could easily result in a code littered with countless "if" statements, especially if the coder lacked an understanding of cyclomatic complexity. Such code becomes a source of pain for those working with it—difficult to write, test, and develop.

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This article aims to explore how the FHIR-PEX system operates and was developed, leveraging the capabilities of InterSystems IRIS.

Streamlining the identification and processing of medical examinations in clinical diagnostic centers, our system aims to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of healthcare workflows. By integrating FHIR standards with InterSystems IRIS database Java-PEX, the system help healthcare professionals with validation and routing capabilities, ultimately contributing to improved decision-making and patient care.

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The new $system.external interface (aka "InterSystems External Servers") is used to call/integrate with external language code/libraries, it replace the old gateways (for example Java gateway) that required the import of proxy objects.

Note that the documentation for the old gateways has been removed from IRIS, so only the new $system.external interface is somewhat (i.e. insufficiently) documented.

Regarding the migration from old gateway to new $system.external interface the documentation says:

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Hello all,

I am trying to start java gateway and constantly getting an error in terminal:
"%RemoteService+3^%Net.Remote.Gateway.1 *%Exception.StatusException ERROR #5023: Remote Gateway Error: TCP error on port '55555', ensure there is an Object Gateway running on this port". I've checked jvm and it is running properly, telnet also is able to connect to the port.

Has anyone encountered this issue before?

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The motivation behind the InterLang project is rooted in the innovative integration of LangChain chatbot agents with the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) framework to revolutionize conversational social prescriptions in healthcare. This project aims to leverage the rich and standardized data available through FHIR, an emerging standard in healthcare data exchange, to inform and empower these advanced chatbot agents.

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In a fast-paced digital era, effective communication is crucial. This article introduces a Java-based chat project, combining the strength of IRIS database and ChatGPT intelligence. Built on Java, it goes beyond real-time messaging, leveraging IRIS and ChatGPT for an enhanced chat experience. Also, the name of the project references the cultural classic - Star Wars.

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