· Dec 2, 2021
Server Connections

I'm upgrading my laptop, and installed HealthShare 2020.2. I wanted to import my server connections from my previous laptop, so I exported the Registry Keys (Windows 10) Under Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\InterSystems\Cache\Servers from the old machine. I then imported them into new laptop, but I still don't get the list of connections in my HealthShare Remote System Access list from the HS Cube in my system tray.

Does anyone have a solution for this? I thought this was more portable.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,641 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi all,

I'm trying to output a XML file, mapped from a ORU_R01 2.3 HL7 message, with a file name based of fields in the source HL7 message in the following format,


To give something like RXR0000000-000000123-20211125105415.xml as the output filename,

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0 334
· Nov 30, 2021
Healthshare Connect

Hi Guys,

Is there a community version of Healthshare Connect? I know there is for Iris proper but I can't seem to find the Healthshare Connect Community version.



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Is there way to set up an automated batch job in the Management Portal to execute an SQL query. Also, how can the related view be exported. I have executed the SQL queries and see the view and created files manually. I could not find any related documentation on the batch processes, but I thought batch or automated jobs could be set up via the Management Portal. Any information is appreciated...


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0 244

Hi All,

I have configured Business Operation with EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter and set properties.

In the BusinessOperation method I am trying to create %Net.HttpRequest

Set httpRequest= ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()

to post REST Service.

I am able to access HTTPServer ,URL details form Adapter using below code

Set httpRequest.Server = ..Adapter.HTTPServer
Set httpRequest.Location = ..Adapter.URL

How to read SSLConfiguration from Adapter properties?

2 3
0 247

Hey Developers,

Learn about the use and design of the InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service and the InterSystems FHIR Server, and what to expect next:

FHIR in the Cloud: Understanding New InterSystems FHIR Server
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0 229

kindly assist with this error, mobile app keeps loading after converting it using Cordova compiler from workbench but the web app is running well.

error message shows this when I check api link on postman:


"errors": [


"code": 5002,

"domain": "%ObjectErrors",

"error": "ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <INVALID OREF>zSetSessionLanguage+7^HSPortal.API.Public.1",

"id": "ObjectScriptError",

"params": [

0 2
0 232

Created by Daniel Kutac, Sales Engineer, InterSystems

Warning: if you get confused by URLs used: the original series used screens from machine called dk-gs2016. The new screenshots are taken from a different machine. You can safely treat url WIN-U9J96QBJSAG as if it was dk-gs2016.

Part 2. Authorization server, OpenID Connect server

9 12
3 5.3K
· Nov 30, 2021
IRIS ODBC connection issue

We are migrating servers

Trying to create IRIS ODBC connection in new window 10 machine, but getting an error "TCP connect() timed out."

In old server windows server 2012 - IRIS ODBC connection was already existed, working fine. if I create new/test with IRIS connection is fine.

Only issue in new server (windows 10), I am not sure why I am getting error. Can any one help.

I added Firewall outbound port, still it is not working.

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0 402
· Apr 4, 2019
ODBC Drivers

Hi All,

I would like to download odbc drivers for Cache database to be able to install it on our SQL server.

I am trying to create a linked server to Cache database.

I couldn't find a link for the drivers, there was one post with FTP reference to download but it doesn't seem to work.

I will be grateful for any help.

Thank you


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0 17.8K

Hi, Community!

Open Exchange (OEX) is getting more and more popular and more and more developers consider publishing their apps in the public package manager registry.

This is really great!

So the topic of thoughtful naming convention is getting more important and even critical. Let's discuss?

1 6
1 426

Hey Developers,

In the next video from #VSummit21 we'll show you recent changes to InterSystems HealthShare Health Connect and what is coming next:

InterSystems HealthShare Health Connect: New & Next
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I recently published the "appmsw-docbook" module for deploying the solution not by individual programs, but by the entire database. This solution allows you to deploy a project without source codes.

Having received feedback, I decided to improve it significantly. Replaced zip archive with tgz, which will allow not using external system-dependent archivers.

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