We need to generate a PDF file from an HL7 message as it passes through an Ensemble production. Looking for examples, tutorials, documentation aligned to our scenario.

We are currently using Ensemble (so can't use InterSystems Reports at the moment). Thinking Zen reports...

We can get from HL7 to XML OK, following Introduction to InterSystems Health Connect - YouTube (see c.1:11:00-1:13:00)

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I have been adapting the IRIS WHIZ addon as part of the contest. I will soon fork the code on github so the changes are available.

The next phase is I am storing the date from and to time for a more complete search cache


it works in the chrome console ok

I'm not sure in external JS how to set the page it is on as a zenpage to use the zenpage functions

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My team and I noticed that the %ZEN class documentation labeled all properties and methods as deprecated.

Example: %ZEN.Auxiliary.altJSONProvider - InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.1 - including private class members

In this regard, the big question is: what will be used to replace these methods, in particular %ZEN.Auxiliary.altJSONProvider?

1 20
2 433

I am working on a Zen page that has a table pane with the maxRows set to a default value. My customer is coming back with the following request of making that value bigger & begs the question whether the new value can be configurable. I looked @ the documentation, and forgive me if I missed, and I couldn't find anywhere that it can. Am I wrong? Thanks.

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Creating information dashboards, pivot tables, and widgets is an important step in analysis that provides valuable sources of information for informed decision-making. The IRIS BI platform offers many opportunities to create and customize these elements. In this article, we will take a closer look at the basic techniques for developing them and the importance of using them.

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· Sep 8, 2023
Viewing stored images

Hi Guys,

In my Zen page I've a grid with a list of uploaded images and it's working fine when running from the Server where the application resides where I can just click to an image and my code displays the image in a second screen (MSDS.Image.StreamServer.cls) ,

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· Aug 9, 2023
Reports roadmap

We are about to embark on a development where we'll be taking HL7 messages and generating PDF reports from them. We are wanting to future proof our development efforts within the constraints of our currently deployed platform and future upgrade options. We are currently running on Ensemble 2018, though an upgrade to Iris is anticipated - at some indeterminate point in the future. We are aware of Zen Reports and InterSystems Reports (Logi) as technology options, but are also unclear on some details. A roadmap and guidance from those who've done this kind of thing before would be great!

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Hi Guys, I'm resending this because I sent on the weekend and looks like it has not been noticed much

I'm not that familiar in using Javascript in Zen pages, so basically we have a priting utility (app) that requires us to add a bit of JavaScript call to facilitate printing from our Zen pages as below:

So I added XData link pasted the required script, is this the correct way?

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Hi Guys,

Sorry I'm not that familiar in using Javascript in Zen pages, so basically we have a priting utility (app) that requires us to add a bit of JavaScript call to facilitate printing from our Zen pages as below:

So I added XData link pasted the required script, is this the correct way?


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Is there a way for web application to set its session timeout value according to the user role or other criteria?

In this case, I have a custom production monitor page, and I want to set 5 minutes for most users but allow managers a longer time or those displaying pages on a monitor a longer time.

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· May 23, 2017
Toolbar with several lines of menu

In toolbar, by default, all items show on one line and when menu items do not fit on visible part of screen, invisible items hide and appear two buttons - last item and previous item.

I want, in that case, items, which do not fit on visible part of screen, go on second line. In other words, I want all items to be visible.

Is it possible to configure toolbar for behavior I want?

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· Sep 5, 2022
Hl7 viewer component

Hi All

I'm building a ZEN page that will dispay HL7 from a database, and am currently displaying it an textarea.

Is the HL7 viewer that is displayed when HL7 message is selected in a visual trace available as an out of the box tool I can plug into a webpage?


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· Apr 29, 2017

Hello friends,
I am having the following problem when passing a parameter in the execution of a zen query?
If the parameter has more than 50 characters of the error.
Http://"José Roberval Benedito da Silveira Gonçalves Sobrinho "

Is there a configuration or solution to this problem?


Davidson Espindola

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Have a Zen report with a huge query that we are trying to break down and be more efficient.

Looks like Zen only wants to take a result set class as the data (or XML, but writing to a file to generate these reports is probably even more overhead).

Is there a way I can move through a result set object, delete rows I don't want based on some objectscript commands and the pass that to the report?

Or can I pass a dynamic object?


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I am reaching out to find out if anyone has come across a similar dilemma.

In my current role, I have been asked around the best way to design some patient labels for a client.

I primarily would stick to what I know and veered towards designing the label in ZPL and then creating a Abstract Class to call the ZPL code, however I have been asked why not to design via JReport. The patient labels will be processed via thermal ink printers primarily Zebras, I am wondering if anyone out there has come across this or would recommend to stick to what you know.

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· Jun 24, 2022

What is the correct way to specify rowspan and colspan in a ZEN PDF report using <Item> <Caption>

I am specifying rowspan in the <Caption> tag after the <Item> but it's not working.

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· Dec 12, 2016 3m read
Generate and Validate Captcha Code

Suppose you have developed your own web app with InterSystems technologies stack and now want to perform a captcha validation on the client side in order to determine whether or not the user is human and make it safer. There are some modern frameworks to address the captcha issue, however most part of them needs internet access to generate codes and sometimes are complex to implement. Take this as basic example considering that image recognition has gotten too good. That's why you nowadays you tend to see more pattern recognition captchas than mere reading ones. (I.e.

7 9
2 1.5K

Hi all

I have a Zen page which displays the contents of a table. One of the columns is a file path to a file on a local disk.

Is it possible, on a Zen page, to allow that file that described by the file path to be downloaded when a hyperlink is clicked on?


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