Got EnsLib.EMail.InboundAdapter and added some line using AccessToken[Name]. Embedded Python code based on I have stripped it a little (only 'authcode'-flow) Elliminate external file and using IRIS-globals. Put 'client_id', 'client_secret', 'tenant' from registrations to token (saved in global) to be independent from edit sourcecode like was.
To use OAuth2 you have to start with getting an URL for authentication process:
w ##class(My.EnsLib.EMail.OAuth2InboundAdapter).askAuthorization(AccessTokenName, registration, mail, clientid, clientsecret [,tenant])
registration meens the name of the python 'registrations'-Array-Element. The output is an URL to use in browser for getting an authorizationCode. After login and some confirmations you get a code. On google you find it much clear in a well styled webpage. On microsoft you find the code as part of the destination url in browsers url textfield.
w ##class(My.EnsLib.EMail.OAuth2InboundAdapter).doAuthorization(AccessTokenName, AuthorizationCode)
returns the first AccessToken and saving all details on ^OAuth2.AccessToken(AccessTokenName) global.
now you are ready to retrieve mails by oauth2.
Class My.EnsLib.EMail.OAuth2InboundAdapter Extends Ens.InboundAdapter [ ClassType = "", ProcedureBlock, System = 4 ] { ... Method OnTask() As %Status { ... If '$IsObject(..%CredentialsObj) Do ..CredentialsSet(..Credentials) If '$IsObject(..%CredentialsObj) { Set tSC=$$$EnsError($$$EnsErrNoCredentials,..Credentials) Quit } Set tAccessToken="" Set:..AccessTokenName'="" tAccessToken=..getAccessToken(..AccessTokenName) If $FIND(tAccessToken,"ERROR:") = 7 { $$$LOGERROR(tAccessToken) Set tAccessToken="" } Set:tAccessToken="" tAccessToken=..AccessToken $$$TRACE("tAccessToken="_tAccessToken) Set tSC = ..MailServer.ConnectPort(..POP3Server,..POP3Port,..%CredentialsObj.Username,..%CredentialsObj.Password,tAccessToken) ... } ClassMethod getAccessToken(pTokenName As %VarString) As %VarString { Quit ..OAuth2Method(pTokenName) } ClassMethod askAuthorization(pTokenName As %VarString, pReg As %VarString = "", pMail As %VarString = "", pClientId As %VarString = "", pClientSecret As %VarString = "", pTenant As %VarString = "") As %VarString { Quit ..OAuth2Method(pTokenName, 1, pReg, pMail, pClientId, pClientSecret, pTenant) } ClassMethod doAuthorization(pTokenName As %VarString, pAuthCode As %VarString = "") As %VarString { Quit ..OAuth2Method(pTokenName, 1, , , , , , pAuthCode) } ClassMethod OAuth2Method(pTokenName As %VarString, pDoAuth As %VarString = "", pReg As %VarString = "", pMail As %VarString = "", pClientId As %VarString = "", pClientSecret As %VarString = "", pTenant As %VarString = "", pAuthCode As %VarString = "") As %VarString [ Internal, Language = python, Private ] { # based on mutt_oauth2 }
Can be rewritten with object-script, but for me it is fine. No external command nor external files. ClassMethods can used for an authorization.
Perhaps Intersystems will be produce a better solution for us...