· Aug 7, 2022

SendRequest Async pass HS.SDA3.Container Object

I am trying to avoid parsing the SDA3 stream in each process. I am doing some section wise validation in different processes so i need to pass the SDA3 to each process.

When i pass that SDA3 stream that takes a lot of space in HD and takes a lot of time to parse the SDA3 object.

Is there any way that once i parse that SDA3 i can pass the same object to other processes, and i can save my storage and process that fast.

I cannot pass this by default to other process as non persistent object cannot be passed to another job(as per my finding).

Any leads will be great.

Product version: IRIS 2021.1
$ZV: IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2021.2 (Build 651U) Mon Jan 31 2022 17:39:04 EST
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