InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,658 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Jan 30, 2023 2m read
JSONfile-to-Global #1

The similarity between JSON objects + arrays and Globals in IRIS or Caché is evident.
With small and medium size JSON objects navigation across %Dynamic Objects is comfortable.
But with large and/or deep cascaded objects it becomes a challenge.

The presented tool offers 3 variants

  • loading an already existing %Dyamic object or Array into a global of your choice
  • loading a %Stream containing a JSON object into a global of your choice
  • loading an external File containing a JSON object into a global of your choice

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn different ways to connect and interact with event streaming platforms like Kafka:

Working with Event Streaming Platforms @ Global Summit 2022
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· Nov 14, 2022
SSL Configuration for Gmail

Hi Community,

I am configuring new SSL Configuration for Gmail (For sending errors to gmail in ensemble production) by following the below steps.


Step2:Giving the server address

Step3:Giving the port number , I have tried giving 465,587,25 as port number still is not connecting

Can anyone please tell me where i am doing wrong on configuration?



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I have a question for people currently in the community who support TrakCare implementations.

Are you all currently working through the migration from Crystal/Zen over to Logi Reports?

What are you plans for the Zen reports you can't migration off for example the HTML letter template?

I have spoken with a few people regarding this topic but starting to get concerned if there is a call in the near future to decommission ZEN/

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· Jan 26, 2023
Line Separator

Hello all,
I am facing a little issue with line separators. I export classes with $SYSTEM.OBJ.Export to the file system, but I'm on a Linux (docker) environment and he uses LF.

Is it somehow possible to change the line separator for the export or in general?

Thanks in advance!

Bests, Matthias

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· Jan 30, 2023
SQL Query Help in $ListGet

Hi All,

I want to run an SQL like below

Select ID,Rollno,Marks,Name,Section,Teacher from Marks left outer join Student on Marks.StudentID=Student.ID

Now, the Student.ID is having the encrypted value which is not matching with Marks.StudentID (as this is clear value).

I can get the clear value using encrypted value as follow

^StoreValue("EncryptStudentID",Student.ID)=$LB("123"). That 123 is the clear Student.ID which I need to match in SQL query (ON clause).

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· Jan 30, 2023
SQLComputed Code issue

Hi All,

I have a below query for which I need help.

I have a persistent class User.Cars.cls. The properties of this class is mapped through Global mapping with global (^CAR(Date,CarSerialno,Seq)).

Property CarNumber as %String (TRUNCATE=1) [SqlFieldName= CAR_Number];

Mapping of 5th Piece of ^CAR global to CarNumber property.

For e.g.^CAR(Date,CarSerialno,Seq)=1^2^3^4^BMW 4567^6^7

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InterSystems Official
· Jan 30, 2023
Updated Vulnerability Handling Policy

At InterSystems, we believe in the responsible disclosure of recently discovered security vulnerabilities. We provide timely information to our customers, while keeping it out of the hands of people that may misuse it. We also understand each customer has different requirements related to the resolution of security issues.

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Hello all,

I am hoping someone can give me some guidance.

I have this code below; please see below. It works perfectly fine. However, when I use a different target, it is not working. 0 files were copied.


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In our latest episode of Data Points, I had a conversation with George James, CEO of George James Software, about the importance of source control and developer tools, George James Software's own solutions, and their partnership with InterSystems. Take a listen, and visit to learn more about George James Software!
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Some Usage cases

1. A deployment may consist of two high availability instances and two disaster recovery instances in a different data center.

The corresponding UAT environment could replicate this giving a total of 8 instances. How do you confirm CPF and Scheduled task alignment across ALL instances.

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Dear DC members,

We're super excited to share with you our latest Developer Community feature!

🔥 YOUR 2022 RECAP 🔥

Each member now has access to their personalized 2022 activity summary – an overview of their contributions, including the number of posts, comments, views, top and favorite posts / tags, and much more!

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Python has become the most used programming language in the world (source: and SQL continues to lead the way as a database language. Wouldn't it be great for Python and SQL to work together to deliver new functionality that SQL alone cannot? After all, Python has more than 380,000 published libraries (source: with very interesting capabilities to extend your SQL queries within Python.

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· Jan 16, 2023
File system Max size

Hi Guys,

we are having a problem with the Cache.dat file is not expanding anymore since it has reached 2.2TB, we still have extra 260Gb of free disk space in our drive but for some reason it's raising a FILEFULL which is a result or the database not able to expand.

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InterSystems announces another developer preview release, as part of the developer preview program for the 2022.3. Many updates and enhancements have been added in 2022.3 and there are also brand new capabilities, such as the new FHIR SQL Builder, improvements for Columnar Storage, and adds support to SUSE 15 SP4 and Oracle Linux 9. Some of these features or improvements may not be available in this current developer preview.

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