User bio

Born April 2, 1980. Divorced, 1 child.
Bachelor in Information Systems.
Dynamic, proactive, works synergistically in teams, always looking for knowledge and challenges.
Extensive experience in InterSytems technologies. Experience in health projects in the implementation of SGH Trakcare by InterSystems and Cerner Millenium, some projects were:

  • PMTUAS Government of the Federal District - Brasilia Brazil;
  • Project Vital Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein - São Paulo Brazil;
  • More Health Occidente SSMOC - Santiago de Chile Chile;
  • Participation in Projects with TIBCO Spotfire for clients such as Renault, Nissan - Paraná Brazil
  • RCI Argentina and Brazil
  • Odebrecht Oil and Gas -Rio de Janeiro Brazil
  • Ultragaz - Sao Paulo Brazil
  • Participation in Analytics Projects with Tableau and Power BI.

Diverse knowledge of programming languages such as: Java, C#, C, C++, Visual Basic, Java Script, SQL, COS (Caché Object Script), R, Python, Docker, Angular Business Intelligence;
Data Analytics;
Solution Architecture Design;
Development of Systems Integrations;
Web development;
Research in new technologies.

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Piracicaca - São Paulo - Brasil
Member since Dec 8, 2015

@maxime keltsma 

You can traverse the entire global with a loop and $Order function.

A simple routine to traverse your global can be:

    Set ^DataTest = 3
    Set ^DataTest(1) = $lb("","1329","JMMK-G1D6")
    Set ^DataTest(2) = $lb("","1516","AMEV-GVPF")
    Set ^DataTest(3) = $lb("","2333","4QC6-4HW3")
    Set key = ""
    // Print the header filds
    Write "Reference", $Char(9), "Code"	, !	
        // first parameter is global and key, 
        // second parameter opredr to travers globa. 1 = ascending subscript order (the default) or –1 = descending
        // third is target that receives the value if the key is defined
        Set key = $Order(^DataTest(key),  1, data)
        If (key = "")
            Quit // Exit for loop
        Set reference = $ListGet(data, 2)
        Set code = $ListGet(data, 3)
        Write reference, $Char(9), code, !

Output o execution:

> Do Teste^Teste
> Reference Code
> 1329 JMMK-G1D6
> 1516 AMEV-GVPF
> 2333 4QC6-4HW3

See Using Globals Object Script Tutorial , $Order Function for more examples e details.

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