· May 22, 2023

Where to build and configure existing "Monitor Home" web based production alert dashboard

My employer set up a web-based HL7 interface monitor dashboard that will display all Ensemble components (Service/Process/Operation) in a Production, their status, and the support information embedded in each interfaces listing on the Monitor.  Please see 3 screenshots.  

This is part of the URL that we go to when accessing this Web based Monitor:  ......57772/csp/healthshare/monitor/Rush.Monitor.Web.Home.cls

I've gone into Studio and I find the "Rush" 'folder' and the "Monitor" 'folder' but then the only thing to navigate to is "WebStudio" and I can never find the "Home.cls" file to edit.

Can someone help me figure out how this dashboard is built and what file/class to edit.  I know how to configure the interfaces that are already listed, I just want to know how I can tweak this class for better performance, etc.  I can't find anything in Intersystems documentation that covers this.  Thanks in advance for any guidance.  



Product version: IRIS 2022.1
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