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Member since Jun 7, 2018

This is great Kurro!

But this is the kind of things I would definetely take advantage of embeded python to speed up the development. To send a message using python, few lines of code are needed:

import pymsteams
myTeamsMessage = pymsteams.connectorcard(url) # Initialize the connector card with webhook URL
myTeamsMessage.text("This message will end up in team") # Message content
myTeamsMessage.send()   # Send the message


You can use this set of instructions to compact and truncate any database:

s $namespace="%SYS", Percentage=100, Databasedir="d:\whatever"
d ##class(SYS.Database).CompactDatabase(Databasedir,Percentage)
d ##class(SYS.Database).GetDatabaseFreeSpace(Databasedir, .FreeSpace)
d ##class(SYS.Database).FileCompact(Databasedir, FreeSpace, .ActualFree)
d ##class(SYS.Database).ReturnUnusedSpace(Databasedir,0,.newsize)

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