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Member since Jan 17, 2023

Ok- tried it and still no luck. I have changed the code so It is doing the following and now it seems to work. ClientMethod displayResults() [ Language = javascript ] { document.getElementById("loading").style.display = "block"; // show loader image zenPage.getComponentById('tblResults').setHidden(true); // hide the table setTimeout(function(){zenPage.displayData();}, 1000); // run test and populate table in a second } ClientMethod displayData() [ Language = javascript ] { // wait for the function to respond with the message before proceeding further zenSynchronousMode = 1; var getResults = zenPage.CallRunTestMethod();// call the method to run test if (getResults == ""){ var table = zenPage.getComponentById('tblResults'); table.setHidden(false); table.executeQuery();// execute the query and show the results zenSynchronousMode = 0; document.getElementById("loading").style.display = "none"; // hide the loader. } else { alert("Test Failed: error returned " + getResults + ". Please click on run test button again to repeat test."); zenPage.getComponentById('tblResults').setHidden(true); // hide the table document.getElementById("loading").style.display = "none"; // hide the loader } } }

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