Hi all,

Do you know if there is a way to create a Lock that is related to an existing transaction, in the sense that if transaction is finished (commit or rollback) Lock is removed. I ask this because in the following example Lock is there until process is killed.

Example :


Lock +^MyLock


I know, that, Caché itself is locking internally a table register when doing an OpenId with exclusive flag during the transaction life. For example :


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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,737 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
InterSystems Official
· Jan 31, 2018
InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2018.1.0 Release

InterSystems is pleased to announce that InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2018.1.0 is now released.

This press release was issued this morning.

InterSystems IRIS is a complete, unified data platform that makes it faster and easier to build real-time, data-rich applications. It mirrors our design philosophy that software should be interoperable, reliable, intuitive, and scalable.

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Two fairly common requests we receive from HL7 customers are (1) how to remove all trailing delimiters for fields and segments in HL7 messages and (2) how to "find and replace" for an entire HL7 message (as opposed to one segment/field at a time). The code sample below shows a custom function that solves for item 1 and by extension item 2 above. In other words the same approach can be used for finding/replacing any sequence of chars in an entire HL7 message, with some tweaks to the custom function.

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In all web services, i need to my get login and token. So with Postman, i tried to call a HTTP request where I put the login/token in the header :

I tried to get data from Http request header. The REST APi use %CSP.REST. I tried something like that :

But it didn't work..

Someone can give me some example or other method ?


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Hi Community!

Check the new video on DC YouTube Channel:

SMART on FHIR Apps for Information Exchange

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· May 9, 2018
Standardizing Error Logging

I have been tasked with creating a class that will handle error logging in a consistent manor for an application I am working on. The need is to have all variables in the calling method logged along with some other information.

The example given was zwrite which is exactly what I need, however, I somehow need to capture the output of ZW and put it into a database table. Any easy way to capture this data? I was able to dump ZW to a file, but that is not ideal.

Any help is appreciated!

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I wonder if you could help me with a problem with persistent globals and journals.

We have a few interfaces using a persistent global just to translate some codes. The use of that global is like a lookup table...an interface calls a method that search for a field (in the message) in the global. If found, the code is translated with another field from the global.

The format of the global is something like:

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Too often users finding themselves in need of a software solution do not consider “open source” vs. “proprietary” alternative. Most of them either have their go-to favorite developer or just google for reviews and ready-made answers. However, this alternative must be the starting point of their search, as the decision has the most consequences.

It is not an overstatement to say that open source is the future of technology, albeit, it has its own unique challenges. Here is what users, especially corporate users should consider choosing the software for their business needs.

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I have package mapped SYS.History but two classes in the package are giving me problems.

SYS.History.SysData and SYS.History.PerfData has an Include ( Include (%sySite, MONEXT))

When I try to open the corresponding table in SQL I get the following error

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I need to redirect user to a url, which is 5000+ characters long.
To do that I set:

set %response.Redirect = url

However, in the browser I receive this header:

LOCATION: <First 3972 characters of the 'url' variable>

In WriteHTTPHeader method of %CSP.Response, where the LOCATION header is

Write "Location: ", <Redirect>,!

After I added a buffer flush, after the above-mentioned line:

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I have a client who is considering encryption options in order to comply with a tendering requirement.

Were they to encrypt the production database then what would be a reasonable expectation forthe impact on message throughput. Or possibly more easily answered: what would be the expected impact be on I/O rate and CPU utilization. Are there any benchmarks to which could support an estimate ?

How would this compare with plan B: to use disk encryption ?


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If your looking to develop a Node.JS to Caché library then you might want to consider using a pure TCP connection with a custom message transport protocol. This bypasses the native Caché connector libraries that can get stale with a new release.

Node.JS is very good at non blocking code development, so building a performant solution isn't that complex.

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