Task Manager Stopped
So i'm having this problem with the task manager, the tasks simply stopped running. I had a problem with queued massages and trying to figure out what to do i'm afraid I may messed up something else, can someone help me ?
So i'm having this problem with the task manager, the tasks simply stopped running. I had a problem with queued massages and trying to figure out what to do i'm afraid I may messed up something else, can someone help me ?
I've had this problem before where scheduled tasks just stopped running, but if I ran ##class(%Sys.Task).CheckSchedule() all the previously scheduled tasks would run once. Restarting my Ensemble instance fixed it. I recommend contacting support if this recurs.
yeah, I forgot to restart the task manager. It's fixed, ty anyway.
Without research It is hard to say what might have caused this. Definitely something you should open with support if it keeps happening.
For completeness I'm adding below the steps to check on the status of the task manager and how to start or resume it if necessary:
In cache terminal:
1) Create a Task
2) Edit a Task
3) List Tasks
4) Delete a Task
5) Suspend a Task
6) Resume a Task
7) Run a Task
8) Task Reports
9) Task Manager Options
10) Exit
Option? 9
1) Task Manager Information
2) Start Task Manager
3) Suspend Task Manager
4) Resume Task Manager
5) Task Manager History
6) Define Mail Settings
7) Exit
Option? 1
Task Manager Version: 2.9
Task Manager is currently suspended
Task History purged after 7 days
1) Task Manager Information
2) Start Task Manager
3) Suspend Task Manager
4) Resume Task Manager
5) Task Manager History
6) Define Mail Settings
7) Exit
Option? <---Here you can choose to resume or start the task manager depending on the status from the Task Manager information returned in the step above.