· May 6, 2019

How can I get all values of a setting of a Production item programmatically?

I wish to retrieve all the setting values for a given production. I have found

   Set tSC=##class(Ens.Director).GetProductionSettings("EXC.EXC",.tSettings)    WHERE EXC.EXC is the name of the Production

My question is

1) Does .tSettings contain the settings?

2) if  yes, how can I show them.

3) if no, how do I get the settings values?

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I need to provide a table  that lists  the  settings for the Services, Processes and Operations in a production.

After executing  your code I see I asked the wrong question.

I need to provide a table  that lists  the  settings for the Services, Processes and Operations in a production.

I would like to produce something like the Production document but I get to chose which items are listed. Is this possible?