InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,208 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

InterSystems announces another developer preview release, as part of the developer preview program for the 2022.3. Many updates and enhancements have been added in 2022.3 and there are also brand new capabilities, such as the new FHIR SQL Builder, improvements for Columnar Storage, and support to SUSE 15 SP4 and Oracle Linux 9. Some of these features or improvements may not be available in this current developer preview.

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Is there a way of printing out information about IRIS.DAT file eg. database name?

The reason is that I've "refreshed" TEST system from LIVE system and I'm not sure I've the copied the correct file to the correct place

on the file tree. The file tree structure shows the database that IRIS.DAT represents.

eg. /db/HMF/IRIS.DAT should be the HMF database

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Hi Community,

I have created a HL7 production in my working environment, Ens.Alert ,EMailAlert, PagerAlert, and BadMessageHandler are created.

Can anyone explain how Ens.Alert and BadMessageHandler will work when an HL7 message in Passed in Business service and how these 2 are related when any error occurs in the Production envinorment?

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Hi all,

I am trying to use some process private variables (percent variables) in Triggers.

I am referring to values from $System.Process, like the ClientIPAddress and CSPSessionID.
These do to not contain values and I suspect it is bacause of scope. I also checked, and the %session variable is not available if the change originated from a CSP request.
I know that in triggers the scope of the variables are to be kept local, that is why NEW is to be used.

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Hey Community,

We are glad to invite you to the upcoming kick-off webinar on the InterSystems Developer Tools Contest.

In this webinar, we'll talk about how to choose a project and show you how to develop, build and deploy applications on InterSystems IRIS data platform. Also, there will be information about the hot internal projects at the moment (SQL client, VS Code unit tests and Jupyter notebooks), how to look at community opportunities in the Ideas portal, and what InterSystems would like to do with the management portal.

Date & Time: Monday, January 23 – 12 pm EST | 6 PM CET

🗣 @Raj Singh, InterSystems Product Manager
🗣 @Dean Andrews, InterSystems Head of Developer Relations
🗣 @Evgeny Shvarov, InterSystems Developer Ecosystem Manager

>> Register here <<

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· Jan 23, 2023 2m read
Global-Streams-to-SQL #2

Some technical background information

There is not just one class in this package: rcc.gstream.cls but also rcc.gstreamT.cls

While rcc.gstream works with direct access to the stream globals, the *T version uses
a Process Private Global (PPG) as Temporary storage.
using SELECT * FROM RCC.gstreamT WHERE RCC.useT('^jpgS')=1 and similar.

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I have the following servers in IRIS mirror set:
Arbiter; isc_agent only
LIVETC01; IRIS DB full install; Primary
LIVETC02; IRIS DB full install; Backup

A couple of days ago IRIS hung.
The application using LIVETC01 DB stopped functioning.

I'm trying to find out the sequence of events leading up to the failure.

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I have a production with one Business Host - a Business Service which I need to scale automatically to consume ~80% of CPU time.
Business Service pulls data from a (non-FIFO) queue so that I can adjust pool size without any issues.

So far, I'm planning a different BS running every X seconds and sampling CPU with $system.Process.GetCPUTime() and scaling the pool size of the main BS up/down based on that metric.

Has anyone tried something similar? Any advice/code samples would be appreciated.

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Applications that work with bill payments and receipts, as well as the delivery and inventory of items, generally require the use of barcodes or QR Codes. The latter is used in even broader scenarios since the QR Code can store more information than a simple bar code. Thus, it is important to have the ability to generate barcodes and QR Codes or read the data stored in them from an image or a PDF. This article will show you how to do this using Python and some of its free libraries.

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Hi All,

Hopefully someone can help me with this case. I need to encrypt a text(querystring) with an AES265 encryption. An other vendor is decrypting this information. I have a working class in C#. I've tried to build the same in Objectscript for the encrypt part but there's a missing link somewhere. What's the difference between the C# and Objectscript implementation?

Objectscript code (until now):

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Hello all,

I just started learning SQL and am also new to Cache...

I am dealing with a simple SQL query and trying to understand the components of the following expression do:

STRING(city_name, ' - ', city_code) into :CODE, :VALUE

I understand what the STRING function does. However, I am lost after that:

"into:CODE, :VALUE"

What do these do?



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· Jan 19, 2023
2023 Global Summit

We are starting the countdown to our 30th Global Summit, at the Diplomat Beach Resort in Hollywood, Florida. Only 136 more days until you can connect with fellow InterSystems product users, engage with product develops and hear all about the trends, challenges and solutions of data management with our technology.

Sign up for notifications today to be the first to register and see who our guest speakers will be!

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to review the present of InterSystems cloud services and use cases, as well as a roadmap for the future:

InterSystems IRIS Cloud On-Demand Services @ Global Summit 2022
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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This article will describe and include an example of how to embed an external PDF file into an HL7 segment, specifically ADT_A01:2.3.1 OBX(). This can be useful when attempting to insert pictures or other external data into an HL7 message. In this example, the name of the PDF file to be embedded is provided in the incoming HL7 message in OBX(1):ObservationValue field.

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In the previous article, we've discussed the origin of the standard HL7v2, the structure and the types of messages. Let's now look at one of the most used types of messages and an example of its structure. I'm talking about ADT.

HL7 ADT messages (Admit, Discharge, Transfer) are used to communicate basic patient information, visit information and patient state at a healthcare facility. ADT messages are one of the most widely-used and high volume HL7 message types, as it provides information for many trigger events including patient admissions, registrations, cancellations, updates, discharges, patient data merges, etc.

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Hi community,

I am working on Converting Non HL7 message (Using record maps) into HL7 message.

1.Can anyone share few details how to save Non HL7 message into SQL table and the converted HL7 message into SQL table

2.In Message Viewer is there any SQL tables are linked to the session id or where the information regarding the message will be stored? Will the message trace details are stored in globals or in SQL table,If yes can anyone share the details in which tables or globals will it be stored?

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HI ! I'm working on a caché upgrade to IRIS.

in some abstration cls classes, to get a property was used $METHOD(..Obj, propertyName_"Get").
On Caché 2018, had as a return property value, if the property does not exists, an exception of type <PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST> throwed

Now, on IRIS 2022.1, will always be throwed an exception of type "<METHOD DOES NOT EXIST>".

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