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Member since Jan 20, 2016

It's been almost 9 years @Eduard Lebedyuk :-) Have ever figured out how to call a linked procedure when running a select for data from a linked table?

When I execute a select statement with only the call to the linked stored procedure, all works ok:

select CRMBI.getPlanningRate(11,2023)


1 row(s) affected

But if I try to make that same call within a query to another table in that same package, I get errors:

select ISCurrencyID, CRMBI.getPlanningRate(ISCurrencyID,2024) from CRMBI.CurrencyRate

  [SQLCODE: <-223>:<Gateway query Prepare() failed>]

  [%msg: <Connection 'CRMBILINKTABLES': Prepare(select T1.ISCurrencyID AS C1,(T1.ISCurrencyID...): SQLState: (42000) NativeError: [1] Message: [Iris ODBC][State : 42000][Native Code 1] [c:\intersystems\iris2021v1\bin\irisdb.exe] [SQLCODE: <-1>:<Invalid SQL statement>] [Location: <Prepare>] [%msg: < ) expected, , found ^SELECT T1 . ISCurrencyID AS C1 , ( T1 . ISCurrencyID ,>] >]

Other queries to the linked table, without the stored procedure, also works just fine:

select ISCurrencyID, USDRate, effectiveDate from CRMBI.CurrencyRate where ISCurrencyID = 11 and effectiveDate > '2022-12-31' and effectiveDate < '2023-01-31'

ISCurrencyID USDRate effectiveDate
11 0.9392000 2023-01-01

1 row(s) affected


Might be user error or a later message to the WRC, but thanks in advance if you have any ideas.

Thank you Dmitry; I confirmed it works when the dynamic arrays are stored in variables:

%SYS>w $zv
IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2024.1.1 (Build 347U) Thu Jul 18 2024 17:35:51 EDT
%SYS>set arr1 = [1,2,3]
%SYS>set arr2 = [6,5,4]
%SYS>zw arr1.addAll(arr2)
[1,2,3,6,5,4]  ; <DYNAMIC ARRAY>
%SYS>do arr1.addAll(arr2)
%SYS>zw arr1
arr1=[1,2,3,6,5,4,6,5,4]  ; <DYNAMIC ARRAY>
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