· Feb 20 2m read

Celebrating a True Educator of the Developer Community

Among the numerous authors of the InterSystems Developer Community, some members stand out for their dedication and lasting impact. One such member is @Mihoko Iijima, whose journey with InterSystems spans over two decades. From her early experiences with Caché to her deep involvement in the Developer Community, she has continuously contributed to knowledge-sharing and collaboration, shaping the experience for fellow developers.

🤩 Let's take a closer look at Mihoko's journey with InterSystems technology and our Developer Community...

Mihoko's journey with InterSystems began in the early 2000s when she first worked with Caché 3.2.1. She joined InterSystems Japan in 2003 and became an active member of the Developer Community in 2015. Over the years, Mihoko has witnessed significant technological changes, including the launch of InterSystems IRIS, which broadened her knowledge in areas like machine learning and containerization.

One of Mihoko’s most memorable projects involved developing a web application interface, an experience that provided a foundation for her future career. Taking on responsibilities from customer interactions to configuration and testing, she gained invaluable skills that she applies to her work today. As a trainer at InterSystems, she faced challenges such as technical failures during training. Thanks to support from colleagues, she developed strategies to troubleshoot issues efficiently and enhance training sessions.

Mihoko’s involvement with the Developer Community began with a ZenMojo training course. She and her colleague, @Megumi Kakechi, saw value in sharing their experiences, leading them to post questions and solutions in the Community. This initiative grew into active participation in the Japanese Developer Community, where Mihoko contributed to the FAQ system, helped manage contests, and promoted events.

Seeing her articles translated into different languages and receiving international feedback has been especially rewarding for Mihoko. She believes that even with language barriers, developers worldwide share common challenges and goals. Her advice to newcomers is simple: start by engaging with content, whether through likes, questions, or articles - every contribution is important.

Outside of work, Mihoko pursues her passion for karate, working toward a black belt while participating in competitions.

We are immensely grateful for Mihoko's unwavering support of the Developer Community. Her journey reflects dedication, adaptability, and a commitment to learning, making a lasting impact on everyone she (virtually) meets. Here's to Mihoko - a true champion of the Developer Community, whose journey inspires us all to strive for more and embrace the future with learning and collaboration.

👏 Let's all congratulate Mihoko and thank her for her contributions to InterSystems and our Developer Community! 

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Thank you for publishing this wonderful article! This is probably the most pleasant thing that has happened to me in my intersystems 21 years🤩

Do you know [InterSystems FAQ rubric] article?

The article is occasionally published in the US community, and it is based on the FAQ Japanese article.
The FAQ Committee started in 2007 in the Japan office, and the four members ( @Hiroshi Sato @Megumi Kakechi  @Tomoko Furuzono ) discuss which content is frequently and useful each time and create the articles.
Please stay tuned for more FAQ articles in the future!
Let's keep doing together to make more beneficial and enjoyable community!!