Hi, Community!

This is a digest of the Developer Community postings in September 2018.


Most viewed

Atelier 1.3 Stable Release  324

Intersystems IRIS and the next applications generation  149

How the Intersystems IRIS ended to anemic databases era  141

Dynamic objects and JSON support in InterSystems products  141

UDL support  127

Global Summit 2018: Unconference topics to discuss  118

How I implemented GraphQL for InterSystems platforms  116

Is there a function similar to Oracle's CDC in the cache database?  116

Find a table given its name  113

parsing xml response  105


Most voted

Atelier 1.3 Stable Release  10

George James Software lunchtime meeting at Global Summit 2018  10

Save the date - DACH Symposium 2018  9

Sharding evaluation #1  8

Sharding evaluation #2  7

Atelier Source code versioning  5

Intersystems IRIS and the next applications generation  4

Global Summit 2018 - Make sure you hang out till Wednesday!  4

Developer Community September 2018 Release  4

New Video: Atelier – Debugging a Class  4


Most commented

How can I create properties (DocDB, Python)?  15

Is there a function similar to Oracle's CDC in the cache database?  15

parsing xml response  13

How to open Cache studio on Mac OS   11

Change time in message browser etc from UTC to local time  10

LDAP Connection/Configuration  9

class Ens.Queue visible to ODBC?  9

How to Open Terminal In Caché Mac OS  9

Impact of OREF support  9

Visual Report alternatives  8


Top 10 Authors to Follow by Views

Gevorg Arutunyan, Posts,  379

Yuri Gomes, Posts,  290

Robert Cemper, Posts,  190

Eduard Lebedyuk, Posts,  187

Dmitry Maslennikov, Posts,  185

Rustam Ibragimov, Posts,  127

Alexander Tsvetkov, Posts,  78

Mark Bolinsky, Posts,  60

Raymond Lawrence, Posts,  43

Irene Mikhaylova, Posts,  38


Top 10 Experts to Follow

Fred Gustafsson, Answers,  +5

Robert Cemper, Answers,  +4

Jolyon Smith, Answers,  +3

Nicole Aaron, Answers,  +3

Alexander Koblov, Answers,  +2

Tomas Vaverka, Answers,  +2

Len Goodkin, Answers,  +2

Herman Slagman, Answers,  +2

Evgeny Shvarov, Answers,  +1

Eduard Lebedyuk, Answers,  +1


1 0
0 217

Hi, Community!

This is a digest of the Developer Community postings in July 2018.

Most viewed

Atelier and Studio 1070

Caché and Ensemble 2018.1 Field Test Release 268

GraphQL for InterSystems Data Platforms 191

Cache Dynamic SQL Pagination 155

Caché SQL Queries 154

$ZF(-100,..) issues 145

InterSystems Platform Functions 127

Docker with overlay support 124

Atelier. Compilation returns "Failed to read /api/atelier/v1/..." 123

Error: CSP application closed the connection before sending a response 122

Use GZIP to compress/decompress files 112

K-Means clustering of the Iris Dataset 76

Intersystems Cache Python Object-Relational Mapper 74

The way to launch Apache Spark + Apache Zeppelin + InterSystems IRIS 72

Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part VIII: CD using ICM 70

Storage Performance Series - NetApp All-Flash FAS (AFF) A300 69

Load a ML model into InterSystems IRIS 57

Most voted

Caché SQL Queries 9

GraphQL for InterSystems Data Platforms 7

Caché and Ensemble 2018.1 Field Test Release 7

The way to launch Apache Spark + Apache Zeppelin + InterSystems IRIS 6

Use GZIP to compress/decompress files 3

Check audit settings programmatically 3

K-Means clustering of the Iris Dataset 3

Docker with overlay support 3

Load a ML model into InterSystems IRIS 3

Storage Performance Series - NetApp All-Flash FAS (AFF) A300 2

Most commented

Error: CSP application closed the connection before sending a responce 30

Create studio project file 14

Atelier and Studio 12

Cache Dynamic SQL Pagination 10

Unable to export lookup tables (.LUT) and HL7 schemas (.HL7) directly via Atelier to commit in source control (GIT) 9

Using regular expressions in a routing rule 9

zgetFile+8^User.Read.1 8

$ZF(-100,..) issues 7

Multi-line terminal commands 7

Querying ODBC SQL Server 7

0 0
0 346

Hi, Community!

This post is a digest of the Developer Community postings in June 2018.

Most viewed

Atelier 1.2 Stable Release 230

InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2018.1.1 Release 199

"IF THEN - $SELECT - $CASE" - What is the best way? 179

$CASE For Long Stories 148

Translate a number to text 147

Sort ordering 141

Extending method keywords 138

Stop Storing Atelier Credentials 133


Multi Language Sort 125

Most voted

Atelier 1.2 Stable Release 7

Translate a number to text 7

InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2018.1.1 Release 6

Multi Language Sort 5

InterSystems on DeveloperWeek NYC, June 18-20 5

Atelier at EclipseCon France 2018 4

Installation Manifest - I can disabled the journal globals by the XML? 3

Creating SSL-Enabled Mirror on InterSystems IRIS Using Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) 3

One simple Docker trick to halve your image build time 2

DC June 2018 Release 2

Most commented

Communication link failure trying to access Studio 15

$CASE For Long Stories 14

How to convert page number to roman numeral in ZEN Report? 14

Extending method keywords 13

How to navigate to parent of Serial Object? 12

Kill process started by JOB 11

Custom file pass through Operation writing out unreadable pdf files 11

Has anyone tried REST API Put Or Post on AWS S3 ? 10

%ProcessError+6 ^%Net.Remote.Proxy.1 error occurs inconsistently 10

How to Update Caché User Full Name field via SQL? 9

Top 10 Authors to Follow by Views

Francisco López, Posts, 147

Eduard Lebedyuk, Posts, 73

Daniel Kutac, Posts, 45

Pete Greskoff, Posts, 34

Top 10 Experts to Follow

Nicole Aaron, Answers, +11

Robert Cemper, Answers, +10

Eduard Lebedyuk, Answers, +9

Vitaliy Serdtsev, Answers, +7

Benjamin Spead, Answers, +4

Francisco López, Answers, +4

Evgeny Shvarov, Answers, +3

Dmitry Maslennikov, Answers, +3

Gilberto Junior, Answers, +3

Timothy Leavitt, Answers, +2

0 0
0 189

Hi, Community!

This post is a digest of the Developer Community postings in March 2018.

Most viewed

(Webinar Mar 14) REST API Design and Development 272

Replacing ZEN - Part 1 - Introduction 195

Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part I: Git 194

REST Design and Development 161

Deployment Strategies: Do You Compile ObjectScript on a Production Site? 161

Angular 4 (2-5), CacheAutentication, Cache2017.1, REST 155

Parallel execution in COS 154

Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part II: GitLab workflow 144

problems renaming/copying classes 129

Sending Alerts to Mobile Phone using Pushover from HTTP.OutboundAdapter 128

Most voted

Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part I: Git 6

Replacing ZEN - Part 1 - Introduction 5

Save the Date - InterSystems Partner's Day 2018 in Austria 5

(Webinar Mar 14) REST API Design and Development 5

Replacing ZEN - Index to articles 5

Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab - Part II: GitLab workflow 4

Minimum Monitoring and Alerting Solution 4

Sending Alerts to Mobile Phone using Pushover from HTTP.OutboundAdapter 3

Caché Native Access — working with native libraries in Caché 3

DeepSee: Databases, Namespaces, and Mappings - Part 1 of 5 3

Most commented

problems renaming/copying classes 19

Deployment Strategies: Do You Compile ObjectScript on a Production Site? 19

GetSwizzled error in cache 14

creating a test server 13

translation of data ready to push to and from a JSON restAPI 13

(Webinar Mar 14) REST API Design and Development 10

Filters in DeepSee Dashboards 10

SqloutBound Adapter with Output to File 8

Multiple installs of Eclipse/Atelier with different server connections 8

How to Call a Custom Listing in MDX? 8

Top 10 Authors to Follow by Views

Eduard Lebedyuk, Posts, 667

Peter Cooper, Posts, 289

Mark Connelly, Posts, 128

Murray Oldfield, Posts, 81

Evgeny Shvarov, Posts, 60

Artem Daugel-Dauge, Posts, 52

Alessandro Marin, Posts, 36

Top 10 Experts to Follow

Robert Cemper, Answers, +4

Timothy Leavitt, Answers, +3

Tomas Vaverka, Answers, +2

Eduard Lebedyuk, Answers, +2

Dmitry Maslennikov, Answers, +2

Michael Moulckers, Answers, +1

Mark Hanson, Answers, +1

Ray Fucillo, Answers, +1

Alessandro Marin, Answers, +1

John Murray, Answers, +1

0 0
0 229

Hi, Community!

I have some good news for you!

I'm pleased to announce that Robert Cemper is a new Developer Community Moderator for 2018 year!

Robert joined DC in June 2017 and is responsible for a significant amount of experience, best practices and deep skills in InterSystems technology presented here in InterSystems Developer Community!

Congratulations, Robert! And thanks for your Yes to work as Moderator in InterSystems Community!

9 5
0 526

Hi, Community!

I'm pleased to announce that in this December 2017 we have 2 years of InterSystems Developer Community up and running!

Together we did a lot this year, and a lot more is planned for the next year!

Our Community is growing: In November we had 3,700 registered members (2,200 last November) and 13,000 web users visited the site in November 2017 (7,000 last year).

Thank you for using it, thanks for making it useful, thanks for your knowledge, experience, and your passion!

And, may I ask you to share in the comments the article or question which was most helpful for you this year?

Happy Birthday, Developer Community!

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0 371