Hi All,

I'm trying to connect to an IRIS instance using VSCode, the problem is, there are 2 IRIS instances installed on this server, published by the same hostname using https (port 443) under 2 different subfolders (e.g., iris.demo.com/base & iris.demo.com/test).

When connecting via studio, I was able to connect by using the hostname (e.g., iris.demo.com) and specifying the super server port, while when connecting through VSCode, when specifying the web server port 443, the connection is always defaulted to one of the instance.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,487 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

I was working on a DTL but kept getting ERROR #5002... MAXSTRING errors. The problem was that most of the DTL GUI action steps only support the string data type when working with the segments. A `%String` has a limit of 3,641,144 characters and my OBX5.1 was 5,242,952 characters long as the example provided. Of course PACS admin stated ultra high quality up to and including 4K resolution files were needed, so we could not get the vendor to compress or reformat these files to compressed jpg or something similar.

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· 6 hr ago 2m read
Helpful CCR Resources

Users of the InterSystems Change Control Record application (CCR) often ask for useful resources which can help them learn CCR and stay in the loop on updates. Please see this list of resources below and post ideas for additional resources or questions you may have!

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Hello Community,

This article aims to walk you through the process of setting up and utilizing the Flexible Python Runtime Feature for embedded Python. Prior to version 2024.2, Intersystems IRIS installer included a preinstalled version of Python, You can find the Python libraries and application files located in the \lib\python directory within your IRIS installation folder (for example, C:\InterSystems\IRIS20242\lib\python).

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Is it possible to use one IIS server to configure Webgateway and external Webserver for management portal when implementing synchronous mirroring with VIP i.e Is it necessary to have two mirror servers(primary and Backup) , one Arbiter server, one Webserver for Webgateway and a sperate webserver for management portal?

If anyone can please point to any documentation on Mirroring with Webgateway and external webserver for management portal will be really helpful.

Thank you for your help

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· Oct 3
IRIS IDE limbo

Is it possible to install IRIS Studio as an evaluation, so I can use the built-in IDE?

I have installed IRIS Community edition that does not come with a built-id IDE.

Altelier website is down down.

VSCode with ObjectScript - tried to run simple MUMPS code and says not supported

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Hey Community,

We’re excited to introduce a whole new way for you to showcase your creativity and skills! This time, we’re inviting you to participate in our first-ever video challenge:

📹 InterSystems Tech Video Challenge 📹

Submit a video on any topic related to InterSystems IRIS products or services from October 21 - November 10, 2024.

🎁 Gifts for everyone + main prizes!

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Hi Community,

Global Masters opens the doors!

Logging in using InterSystems SSO

Access the platform using >> [this link] << and log in with your InterSystems SSO.

Please note: during recent tests, we discovered that some users are encountering errors when trying to log in this way. We’re currently investigating the issue with the vendor. If you experience this error, just ping me via DM, and I will send you a manual invitation!

BETA Disclaimer

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I'm trying to carry a custom error from one business process to another.

BPL:LookupClass fails it's lookup and a custom error of "Lookup XYZ" is generated.

The class quits with that error, but upon quitting, the custom error gets wrapped in an Ensemble System error:

ERROR <Ens>ErrBPTerminated: Terminating BP LookupClass # due to error: Lookup XYZ

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I am experiencing an issue while executing a stored procedure in InterSystems Cache. Here’s the procedure I created

CREATE PROCEDURE Silk.sp_InsertRecord (
IN UserName VARCHAR(50),
IN RecordType INT,
IN RecordID VARCHAR(50),
IN CategoryID INT,
IN ApprovalDate TIMESTAMP,
IN WorkstationName VARCHAR(50)
INSERT INTO DummyRecords (

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Working on a project where I'm needing to make FHIR calls from my HealthConnect Interop production to Epic.

My issue is I'm not able to construct a valid JWT for the OAuth token retrieval that Epic will accept. I have the below code where I'm able to create a valid header and payload that I'm base64URL encoding and then trying to sign with my .pem private key file. However, Epic is not liking the signature portion of my JWT.

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I try to generate JWT tokens in Cache (not in IRIS).

In IRIS I managed to generate tokens using ##class(%OAuth2.JWKS).AddOct("HS256",secret,.jwks).

But In Cache there is no such routine.

Could you provide me a place to find an example how to use JWT, please ? I am interested to generate a token in Cache, send it to javascript client, and read a token provided by the client and check it is valid.

Kind regards,

Alin Soare.

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I have an IRIS installation that is using 8-bit charset encoding (set to deu8 / Latin 1). I would like to convert everything (database and system) to Unicode

Charset encoding is something asked during installation, is it possible to change this on the fly ? The installer clearly say that Unicode systems cannot be converted. What about 8 bit ?

Same for database : is there possible conversion ?

My current plan is the following :

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Good morning

We are looking for a Senior Database Manager for a contract position with a health agency. It's a two and a half year contract, fully remote.

Please review the opportunity by clicking the link below and if you qualify, please let me know if you are interested in speaking about the opportunity.

More info here: https://teckpert.applytojob.com/apply/okkPyvcJn5/Senior-Database-Manager-Intersystems

Need to be based in the US and have work authorization.

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Hey Community,

Watch the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Smart Data Fabric for Generative AI Readiness @ Global Summit 2024

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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I added a Response Message Class to a call in the Business Process Designer.

When i click on Response Actions or on Response Builder i get a message

"You must specify a response message class in order to add or edit response actions."

no matter which response message i choose i always get the above warning.

how do i fix this?


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· Oct 14
dataBinding on Combobox

Hi Guys,

I've the below databinding on a combobox and the issue that the binding is coming with the display value of my levels so eg. I'm getting normal instead of 1 which mean the combobox in my form is not showing, so how get the binding to bring the VALUELIST rather then DISPLAYLIST ?

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